Bulletin of the National Speleological Society - ISSN 0146-9517
Volume 23 Part 2: 31-38 - July 1961
A publication of the National Speleological Society
Speleology in New Zealand
David V. May
The New Zealand Speleological Society was founded in 1949. At present there are 5 cave groups which are affiliated in the Society. Karst areas are in the region of Te Kuiti, Port Waikato, Wairo, and Waipu on North Islan and at Fox River, Take Te Anau, Nelson and other areas on South Island. The longest cave in Gardners Gut, 4 miles long. The deepest is Harwood Hole, near Nelson, 1415 feet deep. Scientific work is now developing and covers exploration for fossil remains, primarily moa bones, studies of arthropods and some surveying, hydrological research and work on subterranean radio communication.
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26 July, 2002 7:24
Web Author: Jim Pisarowicz