Bulletin of the National Speleological Society - ISSN 0146-9517
Volume 22 Part 1: 101-108 - January 1960

A publication of the National Speleological Society

Additional Notes on Vertical Shafts in Limestone Caves
Glen K. Merrill


The life cycles of domepits illustrate characteristic relationships to the stratigraphy and physiography of the area and to each other. They originate from the action of meteoric waters and their general form is a result of the highly uniform characteristics of the limestone bedrock and a zone of concentrated water seepage either in a sinkhole or along ridge margins. Usually they are formed where ravines intersect the ridge. The domepits frequently occur in series, develeoping along with headward valley erosion. The shafts are normally smaller in both depth and diameter in theri relation headward along valleys. Both seeping (solution) and dripping (sollution and abrasion) water help to excavate the walls and floor of the domepit.

Local resistant strata can restrict or entirely stop dompit formation, frequently resulting in the forming of shafts beneath the original ones.

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