Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS-SNF Karst Project

For information’s sake, here are the people that participated in Saturday’s fieldwork for the SNF project:

Jim Sherrel

Marc Stamborski

Jill Stamborski

Amanda Wichera

Brian Kruse

John Lovaas

Dawn Ryan

Cindy Sankowski

Alan Sankowski

Jim Ruedin

Rod Raber

Richard Raber

Jack Wood


Several springs were found and a few karst features.  Groups worked in the northern Section of the Pine Hills area, another west of Murphysboro and one group out in one of the SNF’s wilderness areas.  The wildness team had a long hike to get to the area of interest; I described it as a “death march”.  Half the volunteers wanted to go on this group; I had to pull people out to keep the teams even. One of the springs my group looked at might be a cave, but it was looking kinda ugly (i.e., low and wet).  This is the first time that no one found a real cave while out walking.

I had taken a few pictures from the days activity, but I dropped my camera in a spring.  All my pictures are a tad funky-looking.  If anyone has pictures, please send them to me.  I’ve asked the ISS web-master to create a page and we’ll need material for it.

 Thanks need to go out:  I’d like to thank first and foremost, Giant City State Park for letting us camp for free.  It was a great campsite.  We had 8 people camp out on Friday night despite the threat of rain and the 3 inches it rained already on Friday.  I’d like to thank Geoff Schropp and Jim Ruedin for securing the campsite for us on Friday; they got a great spot for the rest of us to use.  Thank you to all whom brought firewood; we left some behind for the next campers.  Thanks to all that chipped in for dinner on Saturday night; the caver stew was pretty good, again.  Hardly any leftovers!  All in all, everyone that showed up deserves a thank you.

There will be no workday in April so as not to conflict with the sinkhole clean-up in Monroe Co.  Plans are afoot for May and June.  We’ll return to the areas and start to map caves.  Details will follow towards the end of this month.

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Page created 25 January 2005