Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS-SNF Karst Project

January 31, 2004

ISS Shawnee Karst Project

The Shawnee Karst Project is recognized by the Shawnee National Forest (SNF) and is helping to sponsor the activities.  A great deal of thanks needs to go to the Shawnee for their support and encouragement.  Thanks needs to go out to the Hoosier National Forest and the Indiana Karst Conservancy for creating the concept of a karst inventory project to emulate.

A special “thank you” needs to go out to the IL DNR for their help and for allowing us to use the facilities at Trail of Tears State Forest.  The accommodations were spectacular and beyond belief.  It is hoped that we were good guests and that they will allow us to return in the future.  Thanks need to go especially to Sue who put up with us camping in her work area.

Sixteen cavers worked in three groups in the SNF to begin the inventory of the caves and karst features within the national forest. The three groups, as Jim Ruedin pointed out in his email, achieved great success.  Five (potentially new) caves were documented during the fieldwork in addition to identifying other areas of the forest for further investigation.  Conversely, some areas now searched with no features identified, are now finished.  A great beginning in my opinion and a success because of all those that came and participated!!!


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Page created 25 January 2005, last modified 2 November 2005.