Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting - March 9, 2008


The March 9th ISS business meeting was held at the Monroe County Annex Building in Waterloo, IL.


Call to order at 9:03 AM

Introduction of Directors and Officers:

President and Treasurer: John Lovaas - absent
Recording Secretary: Philip Moss
Vice-President: Jack Wood – Acting President
Director: Don Coons - absent
Director: Philip Moss
Director: Tony Schmitt
Director: Steve Taylor
Director: Bob Weck
Director/webmaster: Jack Wood - Rod Raber proxy for Wood’s director position
IDNR Director: Mona Colburn

Other attendees: Dan Lamping, Richard Raber, Elizabeth Slack

Data Request Committee: Frank Wilhelm- chair; John Lovaas, Jack Wood; current members

1. Lovaas moved: The minutes of the September 23, 2007 meeting are approved.
Moss seconded.
For: All

Treasury: John Lovaas, Treasurer – previous balance of $461.56 (includes $25 petty cash), now $371.56 (includes $35 petty cash); $150 paid to Moss for NSS BOG expenses, per previous board vote; receipts submitted.

Membership applications: Jack Wood, Vice-President. Applications received from Elizabeth Slack, Jason Kern, and Ralph Sawyer.

Data Request Committee (DRC): John Lovaas. Stuart Cravens requested for cave and cave entrance location data along a proposed electric transmission line. The data request was dealt with quickly and smoothly and we received a note thanking the ISS for our cooperation. The report submitted by Frank Wilhelm (Chair, DRC) via email was circulated among the Board members. Frank indicated that he is willing to continue serving on the committee.

Shawnee Forest Project: Jack Wood, Chair, SNF Committee – No activity of late. Need more committee members.

2. Taylor moved: The raw data from the Equality project and copies or high-quality scans be deposited in the ISS data files.
Wood seconded.
For: none
Against: Moss, Schmitt, Weck
Abstain: Raber, Colburn, Taylor

Website: Jack Wood, webmaster – the website has been updated.

ISS Patches: Richard Raber – total cost $178, income $143.40 to date

Grotto/Agency Activity Reports Taylor working on mosquito overwintering study in Illinois southwest Illinois and Shawnee Hills. MVG – limited activity of late, Friends of Stemler Nature Preserves is planning a prescribed burn in the Stemler Cave Woods Nature Preserve. Windy City Grotto is inactive in Illinois.


Xara Acquisition status: Jack Wood – One copy was acquired for the ISS and transferred to the Data Custodian.

New Business:

Tony Schmitt: 10 minutes of discussion on FileMaker Pro database software. Tony demonstrated some of Filemaker Pro’s utility using a Missouri dataset.

3. Moss moved: The ISS shall purchase a copy of Filemaker Pro (advanced) for a cost not to exceed $350 including taxes and shipping and handling costs.
Seconded: Schmitt
For: the rest
Against: none
Abstain: Taylor

Tony Schmitt: 10 minutes of discussion on the 2008 Spring MVOR, which will be held in southeast Illinois.
The next MVOR will be held at Bear Branch Campground, 16 miles south of Harrisburg, one mile north of Eddyville on Highway 145. The dates are April 25-27, 2008. The ISS is leading a mapping trip to Equality Cave during MVOR. Possibly three survey crews.

4. Schmitt moved: The ISS will allow a one-time use of the current Equality Cave map in the MVOR guidebook.
Weck seconded.
For: The rest
Abstain: Schmitt

5. Wood moved: The ISS authorizes a 50-50 raffle at the upcoming MVOR to raise funds pending permission from the MVOR committee.
Moss seconded.
For: the rest
Opposed: none
Abstain: Taylor

6. Wood moved: The mail ballot procedure is adopted (Attachment).
Taylor seconds.
For: All

7. Elections for VP:
Schmitt nominated Wood

Moss moved to close nominations.
Colburn seconded.
For: All

Wood elected as Vice-President

8. Data Request Committee
Taylor nominated Wilhelm
Wood nominated Weck
Taylor nominated Wood.

Taylor moved to close nominations.
Wood seconded.
For: all

All nominees were elected. [ed note - Wilhelm selected as Chair by other committee members]

9. John Lovaas: 20 minutes of open discussion
Moss seconded.
For: the rest
Opposed: Taylor, Schmitt

Discussion of potential violation of a Confidentiality Agreement and what can be done about this instance and possible future incidents.

10. Wood moved: The next meeting will be held at Harrisburg at the USFS office on September 28, 2008 at 0900.
Taylor seconded.
For: All

Taylor moved: adjourn.
Colburn seconded
For: All

Meeting adjourned at 11:40.


Mail balloting-running an election via U.S. mail

120 days prior to seating of new directors (meeting): Put out call for candidates via ISS listserv. Set a deadline for nominations-30 days at maximum. Send out weekly notices prior to nomination deadline.

90 days prior to meeting: Post list of candidates on ISS listserv for informational purposes. Election coordinator should obtain mailing address list of ALL ISS members. Assemble simple ballot package: Printed ballot. Election coordinator should sign or stamp each ballot in a discrete, unique manner-written initials and a small hand stamp in a corner of the page. The ballot should indicate how many candidates the vote may choose, and the deadline for returning the ballot. Self addressed stamped envelope. The SASE is addressed to the election coordinator, and the voter’s address appears as the return. Each ballot and SASE are placed in a third envelope, addressed to the ISS voter. The election coordinator should send out an email notice, via the ISS listserv, that the ballots are being mailed. The slate of candidates, voting rules, and deadlines can also be included in the email. Weekly ballot deadline reminders can be sent out via email.

60 days prior to meeting: Compile all received ballots. Keep all ballots with their return envelopes. Note the ballot return addresses against the member’s list used for the mailing. Count all ballots-multiple times. After tallying the results, ship the ballots (via a trackable service) to an appropriate independent person, who will conduct a second count of the ballots.

45 days prior to meeting: After the ballot count is finalized, announce the results to all ISS members, officers, and directors-elect


ISS main page

Please email the webmaster with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president. Page created on 4 March 2008, last modified on 10 May 2008.