Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Agenda - June 24, 2006

ISS Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2006; 9:00 AM - USFS Office, Harrisburg

Call to order at 0900.
1. Introduction of Directors and Officers.
  President: Philip Moss
  Recording Secretary: Philip Moss
  Vice-President/Treasurer: John Lovaas
  Director/webmaster: Jack Wood
  Director: Jim Sherrell - absent
  Director: Tony Schmitt - absent
  Director: Gary Resch
  Director/Data Request Committee: Steve Taylor
  Director/Data Request Committee: Frank Wilhelm
  IDNR Director: Mona Colburn
  Other Attendees: Steve Hupe (USFS), Bob Lindsay (IDNR), Rod Raber

2. Moss moved: The minutes of the October 23, 2005 meeting are approved.
  Taylor seconds.
  Passed All.

3. Treasurer's Report - Treasurer John Lovaas
  Balance: $427.97

4. Membership Report - Vice-President John Lovaas.
  20 members paid for 2006

5. Report on data requests – President
  No new requests. The Data Request Committee drafted a Data Request Process Description for posting to the Web. Since there were no objections to posting the data explanation, that will be done.

6. Report on Shawnee Forest Project - Jack Wood
  Union Jack Cave has been determined to be on private land. 918 feet of resurvey in Equality Cave to date.

7. Report on the Shawnee Forest Plan by Steve Hupe.

8. Report on website move ( ) - Jack Wood
  It has moved.

9. Report on Xara program acquisition – Jack Wood
  Not acquired yet and the price has gone up. Wood said that a copy would be acquired by the next meeting.

10. Grotto/Agency Activity Reports: LEG, MVG, Stygian, MMV, WCG, IDNR, Near Normal
  LEG – Richs Cave mapping project
  MVG – Monroe Co. cave location and mapping,
  Friends of Stemler Karst
  IDNR – Acherondytes respiration paper, water quality paper, paper on Ft. Leonard Wood cave biology
  WCG – active in Shawnee Forest project
  Sierra Club is having a gathering in the Shawnee area and is looking for a work project. May have a sinkhole cleanup.

11. Wood moved: The President or his designee will offer to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding that supports cooperation with The Karst Conservancy of Illinois. The Memorandum of Understanding must be approved by the ISS Board. The President shall report progress at the next meeting.
  Taylor seconded.
  For: All
  The President designates Jack Wood to negotiate on behalf of the ISS.

Bylaw Amendment – Directors

12. Moss moved: Chapter II – Directors is amended by deleting B. 3. Serve not more then two consecutive, full terms.
  Taylor seconded.
  For: All

Bylaw Amendment - Voting

13. Moss moved: Chapter X – Voting is amended.
  A. The Vice President shall have responsibility and oversite oversight of all member general elections.
  A. 2. Tally votes in conjunction with the President at prior to a general meeting and announce results to the President, the director-elects, and the members at least 30 days prior to the next general meeting . If the Vice President is a candidate for director, the Vice President will appoint an independent person to tally the votes. That independent person will be identified to the members prior to the vote tally.
  Taylor seconded.
  For: All

Bylaw Amendment (1 st reading)

14. Moss moved: Chapter XI - Loss Of Representation & Membership
  C. Elected Directors shall be removed for failure to attend or send a proxy for two consecutive meetings , including meetings adjourned due to a lack of a quorum . and r R emoval shall be automatic. The position shall be filled by appointment by the board until the next regular election.
  Wilhelm seconded.
  No vote was taken since there was not at least 30-days notice for this proposed Bylaw change.
  This item will appear on the next agenda.

Bylaw Amendment – Meetings

15. Moss moved: Chapter XII – Meetings is amended.
  There shall be a minimum of one general meeting per calendar year. A special meeting may only be scheduled with a minimum of thirty days notice to the Board.
  Taylor seconded.
  For: All

16. Wood moves: The Board recognizes that the last meeting failed to have a quorum but was still a meeting and Chapter XI.C. shall be enforced.
  Colburn seconded.
  For: Wood, Colburn
  Against: Taylor , Wilhelm, Moss*
  Abstain: Resch
  * President Moss voted because of a tie vote.

17. Wood moved: The President shall purchase a printer/scanner and a power inverter to support ISS projects. Up to $200 may be spent for this purchase. The printer and inverter shall be delivered to John Lovaas before the next Shawnee Project weekend.
  Wilhelm seconded.
  For: All

18. Wood moved: The Treasurer is authorized to purchase or reimburse up to $70 per calendar year for printer supplies (including paper) for ISS use.
  Wilhelm seconded.
  For: All

 19. Moss moved: A period for open discussion of topics of general interest to the membership will be held for 15 minutes.
  No second.

20. Moss moved: The next meeting will be held at Dixon Springs Ag Center on January 28, 2007 at 9:00 a.m.
  Colburn seconded.
  For: All

21. Moss moved: The ISS thanks the United States Forest Service for providing meeting accommodations.
  Taylor seconded.
  For: All

22. Taylor moved to adjourn.
  Wood seconded
  For: All


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Please email the webmaster with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 15 May 2006 and last modified on 26 June 2006..