Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS-SNF Project Report- January 28, 2006

Illinois Speleological Survey - Shawnee National Forest
Shawnee NF Project
January 28, 2006

The ISS Shawnee Karst Project Weekend for January was held on the weekend of the 28-29th. A few people drove down on friday evening and set up camp at Garden of the Gods campground. The sky was clear but a strong wind made it difficult feel much warmth from the fire. A tarp was set up for a wind break but we were only able to hold back more smoke that heat. Saturday morning we met at Sulphur Spring Baptist Church at 9am. There were a total of 14 people that participated. We had a one group of 4 people that ridge walked. They started at Equality Cave entrance and continued northwest. No significant karst features were found.There were two survey crew's. Most of the morning was spent setting up a three point compass course to check the accuracy of the instruments used in the survey. The survey progessed slowly with the shot's having to be short with all the loops that have to be closed. We exited the cave around 6pm to a heavy rain. With a heavy rain and strong winds, a few chose to brave the weather and camp, but most decided to head for home.


Equality cave with trip leader Gary Resch(left) and ???(right). Photo - Dawn Ryan

Volunteer Dawn Ryan working on survey. Photo - John Lovaas

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Page created 29 March 2006.