Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes (unapproved) - February 18, 2007

ISS Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2007; 9:00 AM – Monroe County Annex Building , 901 Illinois , Waterloo , IL

Called to order at 0900
Introduction of Directors and Officers.
President: Philip Moss
Recording Secretary: Philip Moss
Vice-President/Treasurer: John Lovaas
Director/webmaster: Jack Wood
Director: Jim Sherrell – absent, removed automatically for failure to attend two consecutive meetings.
Director: Tony Schmitt
Director: Gary Resch - absent
Director/Data Request Committee: Steve Taylor
Director/Data Request Committee: Frank Wilhelm
IDNR Director: Mona Colburn

Other attendees: Rod Raber, Bob Weck, Aaron Addison, Rick Haley

1. Moss moved: The minutes of the June 24, 2006 meeting are approved.
Taylor seconded.
For: all

2. Reports:
Treasury: John Lovaas, Treasurer – previous $427.97, now $383.56
Membership applications: John Lovaas, Vice-President: Bob Weck has applied for membership
Printer-scanner and power inverter acquisition: John Lovaas – they have been purchased for the use of the Shawnee Forest Project
Data Requests: Philip Moss, President – one request from Philip Moss for the use of four maps to be used in a chapter of the 2009 International Congress of Speleology guidebook. The request was granted.
Shawnee Forest Project: Jack Wood, Chair, Shawnee Forest Committee
- The March project will be in the eastern part of the Forest.
- Since the June ISS meeting we have had three (3) project weekends:
- Shawnee Karst Project Weekend for July was held on the weekend of the 22nd and 23rd. A total of 15 people showed up to participate in the survey of Equality cave on the 22nd allowing four survey teams to operate in the cave.
- Shawnee Karst Project weekend for August was the weekend of the 26th. The number of participants was not noted.
- Shawnee Karst project weekend for September 23rd brought out ten cavers and we continued on survey in Equality Cave despite the weather and constant torrential rain.
Website: Jack Wood, webmaster
The website is at
The website is up to date and recent changes include the addition of a page for meeting information and past meeting minutes, and acts of the board.
Xara acquisition: Jack Wood
Xara has not been acquired. Two copies are really needed and a motion will be introduced to acquire two copies.
Status of MOU with The Karst Conservancy of Illinois: Jack Wood
Several emails have been exchanged between the president of the KCI, Don Coons and me. Steve Taylor has also been involved. There is interest in cooperation between the two groups on KCI's part. Steve Taylor is now a director with the KCI and I am planning to attend a KCI meeting soon to discuss with them some ideas on areas of cooperation. This includes cooperation on the SNF project and exchange of some cave data for conservation purposes.
Grotto/Agency Activity Reports: Meramec Valley Grotto continues to find and map caves in the sinkhole plain. Jerry Lewis has been contracted to resume his census of particular Illinois cave amphipod populations. The Ozark Underground Laboratory has been hired to delineate the last undelineated groundwater systems that provide habitat for the Illinois cave amphipod. These systems are Frog Spring, Dual Spring, Luhr Spring, and the part of the Annbriar Spring recharge area that is north of Fountain Creek. Frank Wilhelm has obtained funding to lab rear a population of the Illinois cave amphipod. This can be done without adverse impact to current populations.

3. Bylaw Amendment (2nd reading)
Moss moved: Chapter XI - Loss Of Representation & Membership is amended:
C. Elected Directors shall be removed for failure to attend or send a proxy for two consecutive meetings , including meetings adjourned due to a lack of a quorum . and r R emoval shall be automatic. The position shall be filled by appointment by the board until the next regular election.
Taylor seconded.
For: All

4. Election of Vice-President.
Nominations: Schmitt nominates John Lovaas
Moss nominates Frank Wilhelm
Wood moves to close nominations.
Wilhelm seconded.
All vote to close nominations.
John Lovaas elected.

5. Election of Data Request Committee members (3).
Nominations: Schmitt nominates Frank Wilhelm
Wood nominates John Lovaas
Taylor nominates Jack Wood
Taylor moves to close nominations.
Wood seconded.
Wilhelm, Lovaas, and Wood elected.

6. Moss moved: Richard Raber is authorized to have an Illinois Speleological Survey patch made by the manufacturer of his choice. He is authorized to use the ISS logo. Any other design requires approval of the ISS Board. He is entitled to recoup his costs, but all sales after the breakeven will accrue to the ISS. He or his designees will be responsible for inventory and sales of the patches.
Schmitt seconded.
For: rest

7. Lovaas moves that Bob Weck is approved as an ISS member.
Schmitt seconded.
For: all

8. Wood moves: Two copies of Xara will be acquired for the Data Custodian and the Shawnee Committee's use.
Schmitt seconded.
For: All

9. Moss moved: A period for open discussion of topics of general interest to the membership will be held for 20 minutes.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: all

- INAI update – what should be the ISS' stance if the INAI contractor requests cave entrance locations? Much discussion, no conclusion.
-Equality Cave update – Wilhelm reports that no new light sensors were installed and the gate is going forward. Wilhelm will follow up on schedule and permits.

- Falling Springs recharge area delineation has been released to the public by the Columbia Quarry Company. These data will be added to the website in the near future.

- Wood reports that the NSS had made the ISS a project.

10. Wood moved: The next meeting will be held at University of Illinois at Chicago on ______________ at 10:00 a.m.
Schmitt seconded.
For: Colburn
Against: rest
Abstain: Taylor, Wood

11. Wilhelm moved the next meeting will be at Dixon Springs on September 23, 2007 at 0900 hrs.
Wood seconds.
For: All

12. Taylor moves that Bob Weck fill the Sherrell vacancy.
Wilhelm seconds.
For: rest
Abstain: Taylor
(votes after this item include Weck)

13. Moss moved: The ISS thanks Monroe County and the University of Illinois Extension Service for providing meeting accommodations.
Taylor seconded.
For: all

14. Taylor moves: The ISS thanks Jack Wood for his efforts in obtaining NSS Project status for the ISS.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: rest
Abstain: Wood

15. Schmitt moved: the meeting is adjourned.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: all

Adjourned at 10:43

Submitted: Philip L. Moss, President Illinois Speleological Survey

ISS main page

Please email the webmaster with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 20 Jan, 2007 last modified on 11 March 2007.