Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS-SNF Project Report - August 26-27, 2006

Illinois Speleological Survey - Shawnee National Forest
Shawnee NF Project
August 26-27, 2006

The ISS Shawnee Karst Project weekend for August will be the weekend of the 26th in the Eastern Shawnee.

Camping is at Glenn-O-Jones Lake for Friday and Saturday nights. The Saturday project will start at 10AM meeting at the Sulfur Springs parking lot. We'll be returning to Equality Cave for survey work. A Sunday project will depend on the number of people and desire for two days in a row.

Contact Gary Resch to RSVP and for any questions.

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Please email the webmaster with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 10 August 2006.