Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Agenda - October 23, 2005

Illinois Speleological Survey
Meeting Agenda
October 23, 2005 10am

The October meeting of the ISS was held at the Monroe Country Annex Building.:

ISS Meeting Minutes

October 23, 2005, 10:00 AM - Monroe County Annex, Waterloo , IL

Call to order at 10:00 a.m.
1. Introduction of outgoing Directors and Officers.
13 people attended
President: Philip Moss
Recording Secretary:
Vice-President/Director: Jack Wood
Director/Treasurer: Jim Sherrell arrived 10:21
Director: Tony Schmitt
Director: Gary Resch
Director: Steve Taylor-left meeting at 11:12a.m.
Director: Diane Tecic-Absent
IDNR Director: Mona Colburn arrived 10:07
Recording Secretary: Dawn Ryan

2. Moss moved: The minutes of the February 27, 2005 meeting are approved.
Taylor seconded.
For: unanimous

3. Treasurer's Report - Jim Sherrell
Balance reported: $352.63, Jim Sherrell announced his resignation.

John Lovaas volunteered to be treasurer.

4.President Philip Moss appointed John Lovaas treasurer.

5. Membership Report - Vice-President Jack Wood. No applications for membership have been received since the last meeting. There are 33 members.

6. Report on data requests - President: No activity since the last meeting.

7. Report on Shawnee Forest Project - Jack Wood
•  Map of Dry Pond Cave was turned in by Dan Lamping.
•  There have been 4 scheduled SNF projects since the last meeting, one canceled
•  The computer acquired for the SNF project was turned over to John Lovaas at the meeting

8. Registered agent update - Philip Moss
Appointed self as Registered Agent. Filed annual report and check for changing the registered agent and the annual filing fee.

9. Report on other survey's database structures - Tony Schmitt
Most other surveys are using MS Access.
Schmitt volunteers to attend the state cave survey session if it is held at the next NSS Convention.



10. Wood moved: The elections be closed and the ballots counted.
Moss seconded.
For: unanimous
33 ballots were mailed, 26 ballots were returned

10a. Report of director election results - Jack Wood.
Tony Schmitt
Gary Resch
Steve Taylor
Philip Moss
Frank Wilhelm
Jack Wood

11. Election of President-
Nominated- Philip Moss- accepted.
Frank Wilhelm - declined
Philip Moss to remain President of ISS.
Resch moved to close nominations.
?? seconded
For: the rest
Opposed: Taylor

12. Philip Moss elected by acclamation.

13. Taylor moved: Sherrell is appointed to fill director vacancy.
?? seconded.
For: unanimous

14. Election of Vice-President
Wood Nominated -Accepted
Wood nominated John Lovaas.- Accepted
Wood withdraws acceptance
Wood moved to close nominations.
Taylor seconded.
For: unanimous

15. John Lovaas elected by acclamation.

16. Election of Data Request Committee
Nominated - Taylor, Lamping, Wood, Wilhelm,
Resch moved to close nominations.
Colburn seconded.
For: unanimous
A run-off election was held between Lamping and Wood due to tie vote.
Lamping won.
Results: Taylor, Wilhelm, Lamping - Lamping as Chairman

17. Wood moved: The ISS shall seek and purchase web hosting on an MS Front page compatible server for an updated website.
Schmitt seconded.
For: Unanimous

18. Resch moves to appoint Wood as webmaster.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: Unanimous

19. Wood moved: Up to $50 of the general budget is approved towards the purchase of awards for recognition of participants in the ISS-SNF project.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: none
Against: The rest
Abstain: Wood

20. Moss moved: A period for open discussion of topics of general interest to the membership will be held for 25 minutes. To 11:32 a.m.
Taylor seconded.
For: Unanimous

Discussion: Wood submitted comments on behalf the ISS to the SNF on the draft forest Management plan, has had no response to the submitted comments

Diane Tecic has resigned from the SNF Karst Project committee

Sinkhole clean-up at Stemler Woods Nature Preserve on the 12 th of November, which is the same day as the Equality Cave clean-up

21. Wilhelm volunteered for a position on the Shawnee National Forest project committee. Board approves unanimously. The SNF committee is now composed of Jack Wood, Gary Resch, John Lovaas, and Frank Wilhelm.

22. Schmitt moves to appoint Wood to acquire two copies of the Xara program for the ISS computer.
Colburn seconds.
For: the rest
Absent: Taylor

Wood agrees to try to acquire a free copy.

23. Sherrell moved: Wood is authorized to spend up to $100 to acquire a copy of Xara.
?? seconded.
For: the rest
Absent: Taylor

24. Moss moved: The next meeting will be held at Dixon Springs on April 30, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: unanimous

25. Moss moved to adjourn.
Wilhelm seconded.
For: unanimous
Meeting adjourned at 11:47 a.m.

ISS main page

As of October 2005, this page is maintained by Jack Wood. Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page last modified 26 June, 2006