Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS-SNF Project - October 22, 2005

Illinois Speleological Survey - Shawnee National Forest - Western side
Karst Project Weekend

October 22, 2005

Dawn Ryan
John Lovaas
Rob Kavaliauskas
Jack Wood

The four volunteers showed up for the October Shawnee Project day and set out to one of the survey projects in the Western Shawnee Forest area. The cave survey was started in 2004 and this is the first time that we could get to the cave without a worry on the weather. Survey netted 175' in about 3 hours time (eh, we got there late) in 4' high hands and knees crawling in a "mini" canyon type passage. The amount surveyed brought the total up to a little over 400' total survey. There are two unchecked leads and the cave still has airflow, in fact the cave was breathing on about a 10 minute pulse. We ended the days survey in a dome/room that was about 25' high 6' wide and about 12' long.

The next project weekend will be January 28th, 2006. Project weekend fall on the fourth weekend of the month.

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Page created 24 October 2005