Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Agenda - February 27, 2005

Illinois Speleological Survey
Meeting Agenda and Final Minutes
February 27, 2005

ISS Meeting Minutes

February 27, 2005 – Dixon Spring Agriculture Center


Call to order at 11:30

1.            Introduction of Directors and Officers.


President: Philip Moss

Recording Secretary: Philip Moss

Vice-President/Director: Jack Wood

Director/Treasurer: Jim Sherrell

Director: Tony Schmitt

Director: Frank Wilhelm proxy for Gary Resch

Director: Steve Taylor

Director: Diane Tecic - absent

IDNR Director: Mona Colburn

2. Moss moves: The minutes of the September 19, 2004 meeting are approved.

Taylor seconded

For: unanimous


3. Treasurer’s Report

Jim Sherrell reports that the ISS has $700.43.  Jack Wood raised $163 at MVOR.


4. Membership Report

Vice-President Jack Wood reports that we have 31 dues paid members as of this meeting.


5. Report on data requests

President Philip Moss deferred to Steve Taylor (Chair of the Data Request Committee), who said that Aaron Addison reported that the locations received from his request one year ago were not useful.  Jim Sherrell requested cave locations and names for a three-mile radius around a Shawnee Hills cave.  Long report, the committee had not reached a decision.  The DRC took a vote and denied the Sherrell data request.


6. Report on Shawnee Forest Project

Jack Wood reports that there have been three project weekends.  Several karst features have been found.  20 different people have participated.  The November project was cancelled due to weather.


7. Report on Valmeyer Quarry project

Philip Moss reports that 18 people participated on February 12 and several worked on February 13, 2005.  Two caves were found and mapped along with the surface location of all the ventilation shafts in the north-south valley.  A day of cave radio work mapping the perimeter is planned along with another day of looking for ventilation shafts.



8. Wood moves: The President of the ISS is authorized to appoint a volunteer member to be Registered Agent for the ISS.

Steve Taylor seconded.

For: unanimous



9. Wood moves: Les Vaughn is accepted as an ISS member.

Schmitt seconded

For: unanimous



10. Wood moves:  The ISS shall purchase a laptop computer that is capable of running ArcGIS 8.3.  The difference in the purchase price and the funds specifically raised for the purchase of a computer shall be made up from the general funds of the ISS with the total amount not to exceed $400.

Taylor seconded.

For: unanimous



11. Moss moves: The ISS shall reimburse Jack Wood for expenses incurred mailing membership notices in the amount of $18.54.

Schmitt seconded.

For: the rest

Against: none

Abstain: Wood



12.Wood moves: Members who donate $50 or more to the ISS will have the next unpaid year’s membership dues waived. 

Taylor seconded.

For: Wood

Against: the rest

Abstain: Schmitt



13. Wood moves: The ISS shall publish the membership list annually following the spring meeting.  The list will contain contact information for distribution only to the members of the ISS.

Schmitt seconded.

For:  unanimous



14.        Moss moves:  A period for open discussion of topics of general interest to the membership will be held for 25 minutes.

Taylor seconds.

For: unanimous



Website may need a new server and webmaster. 

Discussion of data requests and data management.


Taylor moves to extend the open discussion period.

Wood seconded.

For: the rest

Against: Schmitt



Tony Schmitt will contact other state surveys to see what kind of database structure they use.     


15.  Sherrell moves: The Sherrell data request is granted.  The request is for cave entrance locations within three miles of Union Jack Cave.

Taylor seconds.

For: Taylor, Wilhelm, Schmitt, Sherrell

Against: none

Abstain: Colburn, Wood



16.  Moss moves: The next meeting will be held at Monroe County Annex on October 23, 2005 at 10:00 am

Schmitt seconds.

For: unanimous



17.    Moss moves to adjourn.

Wood seconded.

For: unanimous


ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 30 March 2004, last modified 5 August 2004