Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS SNF project June 2004

Illinois Speleological Survey
Shawnee National Forest project
June 2004

This months ISS/SNF project brought out 6 people and
one who just hung-out camping as he had other things
non-caving related (or so he says) to do.  

The volunteers participating were 
Dan Lamping (MO)
Anchal Kumar (IL)
John Lovaas (IL)
Alan Sankowski (IL)
Cindy Sankowski (IL)
Jack Wood (IL)

Just camping - Philip Moss (MO)

One side note, three of the above are beginner cavers.
Remember all skill levels are welcome if they can get
basic gear.

We met at the maintainance building at 1030 and Dan
gave a short coarse on survey technique.  Thank you

We divided into two teams and tromped off into the
woods.  We located one of the caves found during the
ridgewalking this past summer and sent Alan, Cindy and
John into survey.  This is the first time that Cindy
and Al had done survey and they netted just over 200
feet in low crawling passage.  They ended with two
leads going.

Dan, Anchal and I walked west from the first survey
group to locate some pits that had been found
previously.  Unfortunatly, we didn't find the pits,
but found some nice sinks with nothing in the bottom. 
After some time rechecking the maps and the
information that was provided by the locating team, I
concluded that we were on the wrong ridge and the
caves were on the next, privatly owned ridge.  We
hiked out with the intenetion of locating the land
owner and seeking permission for next time.

After a hard days tramping, dealing with nettles,
ticks, mosquitos and wondering at the numbers of
rattlesnakes that we stepped on as we crashed through
thick brush and briars; we went swimming down at
Hutchen's creek.  Then met up the survey crew and had
cajuin BBQ chicken for dinner with beer.  Tech Sue
came out to our campsite and had dinner with us.

Thank you to those that came and volunteered your time
and effort this weekend.  It is much appreciated!

Jack Wood

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Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 5 August 2004, last modified 2 November 2005