Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
Sinkhole Cleanup - April 17, 2004

Photos by D. Lamping                                                                                                                                                                                      
Pulling trash out by hand in the sinkhole.

Fluted limestone at the bottom of the sink.  This was the entrance to a 25' pit, with more trash at the bottom.

What it looked like at the beginning of the work day. Tony Schmitt (foreground) and Myron Mugele figure how to get the stuff up top.
Tony Schmitt hauling stuff to the dumpster.  This project was organized by Tony to help a local Monroe Co., IL landowner.
Packing it into the dumpster donated my the Meramec Valley Grotto (MVG) of Missouri.
Back row: (L to R) Matt Platter, Tony Schmitt, Jack Wood, Frank Wilhelm, Joe Sikorski, Dan Lamping, Bill English

Front Row: (L_R, kneeling) Kim Chiles, Mary Schmitt, Val Schmidt, Ted Mueller

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Page created 24 October 2005