Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - March 28, 2004

Unapproved ISS Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2003 - Giant City State Park, Illinois

Meeting called to order at 9:05am

Introduction of Directors and Officers.
President: Philip Moss 
Recording Secretary: Jim Ruedin
Vice-President/Director: Jack Wood 
Director/Treasurer: Jim Sherrell
Director: Tony Schmitt 
Director: Gary Resch - absent 
Director: Steve Taylor
Director: Dan Lamping proxy for Diane Tecic 
IDNR Director: Richard Raber proxy for Mona Colburn 

1.  Taylor moved: The minutes of the November 8, 2003 meeting are approved.
Schmitt seconded.
In favor: all
Treasurer’s Report - Jim Sherrell
$262 in the treasury.  An application for a FEIN has been initiated.  An account will be opened soon.
ISS t-shirts are now available for sale at $10 each.
2.  Report on data requests - President
     Jack Wood and Gary Resch requested data for the SNF Project. 
     Aaron Addison requested caves within a 1,000' radius of a location in Monroe County.  Pending.
3.  Progress report on the Shawnee National Forest project - Jack Wood
 Three project trips since last meeting.  Several caves have been found. 
Some information has been entered. 
Jack needs help with coordinating this project.  He is soliciting for volunteers, especially to lead 
the April and May project weekends.

Old Business

New Business
4.  Wood moved to adopt the proposal as the operations protocol (appended to the end of the minutes).  
Sherrell seconded.  
Taylor moved to postpone the vote pending further discussions and possible revisions. Vote to be 
conducted by e-mail.
Wood seconded.
In favor: all

5.  Wood moved that Brad Hibdon and Amy Hibdon be accepted as members.
Schmitt seconded.
In favor: all
Note: Both will become members upon payment of dues.

6.  Wood moved that Mona Colburn, having submitted dues and demonstrating significant contributions 
to the ISS, be accepted as a member.  
Taylor seconded.
In favor: all
7.  Sherrell moved: Al Sullivan is accepted as a member.  
Taylor seconded.
In favor: all

Data Submissions.  
Schmitt has information on several caves including info from KCI.

8.  Moss moved that the next ISS meeting be September 19, 2004 at 10am.
Locations to be determined but most likely in the Shawnee. 
Wood seconded.
In favor: all

Schmitt announced a sinkhole cleanup on April 17.  Meramec Valley Grotto will pay for the dumpster.  
This will be on private property.  There will probably be the opportunity to visit other caves on the 
Contact Tony Schmitt  for specific information.

Jim Sherrell will apply for a permit to do a cleanup in Fogelpole Cave as an ISS activity.

9.  Sherrell moved: Tony Schmitt is issued one ISS-held license for ArcGIS to manage information on 
Monroe County until further notice.
Taylor seconded.
In favor: rest
Abstain: Schmitt

Wood moved to adjourn at 10:10am.  
Taylor seconded.
In favor: all
Operations Protocol For Data Management of the
January 2004
This protocol details operations of the Illinois Speleological Survey’s Karst 
Projects Committee (The Committee) for the purpose of requesting cave locations, 
descriptions, and other relevant information and making the information available 
to the Committee Volunteers or the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 
for use in the Shawnee National Forest (SNF) pursuant to a Memorandum of 
Understanding (MOU) between the ISS and the Forest Service. 
A. General:
1.	The ISS shall seek and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the 
Forest Service which shall establish procedures for handling information about 
caves in or near the SNF. The ISS is responsible for maintaining an MOU that ensures 
compliance of the Forest Service with this protocol for the operations of the Karst 
Projects Committee. 
2.	The ISS shall maintain a standing committee to be known as the Karst Projects 
Committee to be composed of representatives appointed by the ISS Board.  The make 
up of the committee shall be composed of representatives of interested caving 
groups or interested individuals. 
3.	The committee shall designate a Chairperson to act as the spokesperson and 
principle contact on behalf of the Committee and for the ISS for all business with 
the Shawnee National Forest. 
B. Ownership and scope of information:
1.	All information which is supplied by the ISS to the Committee and/or, the Forest 
Service pursuant to this agreement remains the property of the ISS. 
2.	All information provided to the ISS by the Committee, the Forest Service, or any 
of their affiliates becomes the property of the ISS. The ISS shall have the right to 
use, disseminate, or refuse to disseminate all such information at its discretion, 
subject to the terms of this protocol, the MOU between the ISS and the Forest service, 
and other agreements. The person or organization which originally created any 
particular information retains the right to use and disseminate that information, but 
this shall not restrict the rights of the ISS to use and disseminate the information. 
3.	The ISS will provide all relevant information in its possession about caves 
located in the SNF Purchase Unit Boundaries. 
C. Handling of information:
1.	Information will normally be provided to the Committee by way of the Chair of the 
ISS Data Request Committee passing the information to the Chair of the Karst Projects 
Committee or his/her designee. If information is urgently needed and the chair person 
of the Data Request Committee is unavailable or unable to provide the information 
when needed, the president of the ISS may pass the information directly to the Chair of 
the Karst Projects Committee with a timely explanation of the circumstances given to 
the Chair of the Data Request Committee. 

This information shall be given to the Karst Project Committee for use during the 
inventory and management planning process. This information shall not be disseminated 
to anyone outside the Committee without the specific written permission of the ISS.

Information needed for field operations with volunteers shall be to disseminated to 
volunteers on a need to know basis only. 
2.	All new information received by the ISS on caves located in the SNF Purchase Unit 
Boundaries will be passed along to the Committee on an ongoing and timely basis. 
3.	Except as provided below, all information relating to Illinois caves developed by the 
Committee, the Forest Service, or their affiliates will be given to the ISS on an ongoing 
and timely basis. This will normally be accomplished by providing the original or a copy 
of all information to the ISS Data Request Committee. 
4.	All information developed by the SNF and provided to the ISS will be treated as 
confidential and will not be disclosed in such a way as to create a substantial risk of 
destruction or harm to any cave.  
Information or materials that is proprietary of the SNF shall remain as such and be 
returned by the Committee or the ISS Board to the SNF if requested.

ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 24 November 2003, last modified 30 March 2004