Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
Sinkhole Cleanup - December 13, 2003

On DEC 13th there will be a sinkhole cleanup on private land in Monroe county Illinois. I have the dumpster lined out and MVG (Meramec Valley Grotto St. Louis) will be footing the bill. There will be on site PRIMITIVE camping. Remember we will be on private land. There will also be the availability of doing some survey work or take pictures of the five pits on the property. All but one of the pits will need rope. They are not long drops (about 40') but they are pretty! If you are interested our know that you plan on coming, please contact me off list at Please be aware that if the weather gets to soggy it will be canceled. The campsite and sinkhole are located in the landowners field and we do not want to rut it up. I look forward to hearing from you!

Tony Schmitt NSS 36269

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Page created 24 November 2003, last modified 24 November 2003