Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - November 8, 2003

Below are the unapproved ISSS minutes.  Please send additions or
corrections directly to me, not to the ISS Exchange.
Philip L. Moss
ISS Meeting Minutes
November 8, 2003 - Cahokia Mounds, Illinois

Called to order at 10:06 am. 

Total attendance: 16
1.	Introduction of Directors and Officers.
President: Philip Moss 
Recording Secretary: Lea Claycomb 
Vice-President/Director: Jack Wood 
Director: Tony Schmitt 
Director: Gary Resch 
Director: Steve Taylor (absent)
Director: Rick Haley 
Director: Kevin Berdak 
IDNR Director: Diane Tecic

2.	Moss moves: The minutes of the September 6, 2003 meeting are approved.
Wood seconds.
Discussion re: approval vs. Don Coon’s request for making a motion to
change minutes. Board feels that it is an unfortunate misrepresentation,
but feels it is an accurate account of what happened at the meeting.
For: the rest
Against: none
Abstain: Haley
Motion approved

3.	Report on data requests ­ President. No new data requests at this time
and there have been none since last meeting.  Schmitt will contact Jim
Sherrell re: map.

Old Business
4.	Report on ESRI software maintenance grant ­ Aaron Addison: not
present.  Tony Schmitt now holds the ISS' ESRI software as of now. Moss
asks for volunteers to persue maintenance grant.  Decided to pursue only
if someone takes it on.
5.	Wood moves: The ISS/SNF project shall move forward on an unofficial
Schmitt seconds.
Discussion by Wood on the motion.  To get grant ISS needs to present tax
number.  Also funds used can not be used for acquisition of equipment
(computers, GPS units etc.)  The hope is that they will be able to
provide us with maps.
For: all
Against: none
Motion approved

New Business
6.	Moss moves: Diane Tecic is elected to the Data Request Committee.  
Diane Tecic is nominated for DRC. Resch moves to close nominations
Schmitt seconds.
For: all
Against: none
Diane Tecic is elected to the DRC.

7.	Wood moves:  The member applicants listed below are confirmed as ISS

Schmitt seconds: 

Wood moves to amend: Rodney Raber, Richard Raber, and Jim Ruedin are
added to the list.  
Schmitt seconds. 
For 6
Against: none
Amendment approved
Wood asks if anyone would like to review applications.

Harry Hendrickson - (IDNR) Springfield, IL
Richard Orr - St. Charles, MO
Gary Gibula - Warrenville, IL
Ted Mueller - Chester, IL
Dianna Mueller - Chester, IL
Lea Claycomb - Columbia, MO
Myron Mugele - New Baden, IL
Teresa Russin - Carbondale, IL
Marc Stamborski - South Holland, IL
Jeffery Gosnell - Lacon, IL
John Marquart - Charleston, IL
Jeff Weston - Warrenville, IL
Joe Sikorski - St. Louis, MO
Judith Halter - Anna, IL
Kimberly Chiles - Arnold, MO
Don Coons - Rutland, IL
Debbie Newman - (IDNR) Ava, IL
Valerie Schmidt - Fenton, MO
Richard Raber ­ Effingham, IL
Rodney Raber ­ Effingham, IL
Jim Ruedin ­ Eureka, MO 

For: all
Against: none
Motion approved 

7A)	Wood moves: Fred Schumann is confirmed as a member of the ISS (This
motion was separate because Wood did not bring any supporting
For: all
Against: None
Motion approved

10:41 Moss moves for a Recess ­ to permit the Vice-President and
President to count votes. 15 min

11:01 reconvene

8.	Director election results ­ Jack Wood
Winners are Jim Sherrell, Steve Taylor, Diane Tecic, Jack Wood, Gary
Resch, and Tony Schmitt
The point is made that Diane Tecic cannot serve as an elected director
and IDNR Director.  This will be resolved by the next meeting. 

9.	Moss moves: Procedures for data requests are adopted.
Moss summarizes changes to procedures

Data Request Procedures
1)	Data requests may be submitted to any member of the Data Request
Committee (DRC) or to any Officer or Director of the ISS.  Requests not
made to a member of the DRC shall be forwarded to a member of the DRC.
2)	The member of the DRC first receiving the data request shall first
determine if the data request involves sensitive data (information that
could easily lead to the location of a cave entrance) or if it comes from
an entity that has a relevant Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the
ISS.  If the request does not involve sensitive data, then the request
should be immediately granted.  The DRC member making the determination
of non-sensitive data shall notify a Data Custodian to release the
requested data.  No confidentiality agreement is required, although the
ISS would like acknowledgement in reports or presentations incorporating
data provided.
3)	If the request comes from an entity with an MOU that addresses data
access, the terms of the MOU take precedence over these procedures.  Data
requests made under the terms of an MOU shall be reported to the
President along with all other data requests.
4)	The DRC may wish to determine whether the data requested is held by
the ISS.  Requests for data not held by the ISS do not require
deliberation.  If it becomes known that the ISS does not hold all the
requested data, then the requestor shall be notified as soon as possible.
5)	If the data is deemed sensitive, then all material supporting the
request shall be distributed to the rest of the DRC.  The request shall
not be granted by the DRC without unanimous approval by the DRC.  If any
member of the DRC believes that it is inappropriate for DRC to make a
determination (absent members, conflict of interest, or a request for
substantial quantities of data), then the request shall be referred to
the Board of Directors for consideration.
6)	If the DRC approves the request, but it includes data restricted by
the data donor, the request and supporting materials shall be forwarded
to the restricting person(s) for their consideration along with
notification of the DRC’s unanimous support of the request.
7)	If the person restricting the data approves the request, the
restrictor shall notify the DRC and the Data Custodian and sign the
confidentiality agreement.  The confidentiality agreement language must
be satisfactory to any person releasing restricted data.
8)	If any member of the DRC disapproves of the data request, then the
Chair of the DRC or his designee shall notify the requestor and inform
the requestor that the decision may be appealed to the Board of
Directors.  If an appeal is desired, the DRC Chair will notify the
President and forward the supporting material.  The President will then
place the request on the next meeting agenda. 
9)	A simple majority is required to approve a data request brought before
the Board of Directors.  The results of the vote shall be recorded in the
minutes.  If passed, the President will notify the Data Custodian to
release the data with an appropriate confidentiality agreement to be
signed by the President.  The DRC does not need to sign confidentiality
agreements for data releases approved by the Board of Directors.
10)	If a DRC member is requesting sensitive data, then that member
should abstain from voting on the request.  If two or more DRC members
are involved with the data request, then the request shall be referred to
the Board of Directors.
11)	The DRC shall appoint one of its members as Chair.  The Chair shall
report on the activity of the DRC to the President each month.  The
report will include a record of who voted how and a description of
materials provided by and requested from the data requestor. These
records will be made available to ISS members and anyone making a data
12)	The DRC Chair or his designee shall draft a Confidentiality Agreement
that is appropriate for each approved data request.  The DRC Chair shall
obtain each DRC member’s signature on each confidentiality agreement for
sensitive data released.  The signatures document their approval of the
13)	If a data request involves both sensitive and non-sensitive data, the
DRC will indicate only the sensitive data on the confidentiality
agreement.  The non-sensitive data may be released prior to a decision on
sensitive data.
14)	If the DRC or the Board of Directors approves a grant request for
data not held by the ISS, the approval is moot.  If and when the data is
submitted to the ISS, the requestor must make a new request.

Schmitt seconds.

Discussion: Moss explains need for procedures. This does not change the
bylaws.  Board may override this, DRC may not. Discussion: Re: possible
conflicts between bylaws and these procedures. Tecic reminds board about
forms for Data Requests (this is on the website).  Resch mentions the
variety of ways states manage cave/spring data.  Haley requests
clarification of procedure number 12, which was done.  Clarification is
made that if a person turns in data and then requests it back, that is
allowed due to ownership. Clarification is made that the confidentiality
agreement shall be drafted to support specific each specific request. 
Haley states he feels procedures are too restrictive.
For: all
Against: none
Motion approved

10.	Moss moves:  A period for open discussion of topics of general
interest to the membership will be held for 20 minutes.
Wood seconds
For: all
Against: None
Motion approved to discuss until 12:20
-Schmitt has a sinkhole clean up on Dec. 13th in S. Monroe Co.  There is
mapping potential.  Camping onsite.  If interested please e-mail Tony
Schmitt .  May get cancelled due to inclement
weather, Tony will post on ISS Exchange.
-5 min. break
-Moss has an IDOT handout on the 158 hwy project.  Meeting Nov 12th.
-Wood presents an O2 meter to the ISS.  If you would like to use this ask
Wood.  It is water resistant.
-Tesic brought up the issue of membership dues.  Money would be used to
digitize maps, payment to state employee in building a better database,
equipment, etc.  Also if a bank account is set up we can receive checks. 
Point is also made that we will need a treasurer if this becomes a
reality.  This position would be appointed by the President.
-Moss mentions that ISS may operate under the NSS’s tax ID if we become
an NSS activity.
-Hat is passed for Wood’s postage costs.
-Richard Raber looking for a more detailed map of Equality Cave so he can
correlate sinks with dead end passages.  Dave Ryan, who has been missing
for years, apparently has it. 
-Richard Raber gets clarification of inclusion of charter members.
-Wood donates money to ISS

Moss appoints Jim Sherrell Treasurer.

Moss moves: Annual dues to ISS will be $5 per year.  For members to
remain in good standing dues must be received by Jan 31, 2004.  Dues will
not be prorated for partial year.  E-mail shall be method of
Tecic seconds.
Discussion:  Re: dues being too low.
For: all
Against: None
Motion approved

11.	Moss moves:  The next meeting will be held at Jo Davies (Apple River
Canyon) on (date/time).
Tony Schmitt seconds.
Tecic moves to amend: having the meeting in SNF to facilitate project at
a place to be decided later, on 4/17/04 at 10:30am
Gary Resch seconds.
Motion amended for meeting date to be changed to 3/28/2004 same time
Tecic seconds.
For: the rest
Against: None
Abstain: Schmitt
Motion: The meeting will be held in the SNF at a specific location to be
discussed later on 3/28/2004 at 10:30
For: the rest
Against: Schmitt
Motion passed
Gary Resch will spearhead specific location

Motion to adjourn the meeting.
For the rest
Against none
Meeting adjourned at 1:15pm

Data Submitted
Aaron Addison turned in a map of Sinking Canyon Cave,
Philip Moss turned in a replacement copy of Jug Spring Cave and a map of
Jason’s Surprise.

Recorded by Lea Claycomb

ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 19 November 2003, last modified 19 November 2003