Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - September 6, 2003

Illinois Speleological Survey Minutes

September 6, 2003, 11:00 am
Cahokia Mounds, Cahokia, IL

ISS Meeting minutes (approved 11/8/03)
Cahokia Mounds

Philip Moss -– Recording Secretary
Diane Tecic - President
Gary Resch - LEG
Jim Sherrell 
Steve Taylor - IDNR
Aaron Addison - Vice President/KCI
Rick Haley - MVG
Kevin Berdak - Stygian
Dan Lamping
Tony Schmitt
Jack Wood - WCG arrives at 11:37

Meeting called to order at 11:15
Introduction of attendees:
Taylor moves: The agenda is suspended to consider the first two items after Jack Wood arrives.
Addison seconds.
Passed without objection

Reading of the minutes of the March 2, 2003 meeting.
Taylor moves: The minutes are approved.
Addison seconds.
Passed without objection.

Old Business:

1) Discussion of reporting of ISS activity.  Would still like to get Grotto reports even if the constitution changes.  Updates at each meeting of what has been submitted is desirable.

2)  Shawnee Forest:  USFS has made initial comments, but does not have final approval.
Taylor moves: The MOU with the Shawnee NF is approved as written.  If the President deems that there are no changes that should have ISS review, proposed by the ISS or the Shawnee Forest, then the President is authorized to sign the MOU on behalf of the ISS.
Addison seconds.
Passed without objection.

More discussion of logistics of operating the project.  The project may begin before the signing of the MOU.

3)  Constitution: 
Wood moves: the revised Constitution is adopted.
Taylor seconds.
Possibility of a grotto advisory Board considered.
Gary Resch - opposed
Favor - rest
Passed by 2/3

Wood moves: the revised Bylaws are adopted.
Addison seconds.

Taylor moves to amend.
Chapter II, A. 7.  Shall not also serve as an elected Director.
Chapter III.A. Fall meeting replaced by annual meeting.
Chapter III.J. not also be a Director.
Chapter XI. A.2. Falls, not fails.
D. Unauthorized distribution (insert 'or use') of restricted ISS information.
Chapter XIV.C.Add final sentence: Further restrictions may be imposed by the Data Request Committee.
Addison seconds.
Amended without objection.

Taylor moves:
Chapter X.D. Insert 'interim' before Directors.  Interim Directors shall serve until new Directors are seated. 
Wood seconds.
Passed without objection

On the amended Bylaw motion.
In favor: rest
Opposed: none
Abstain: Resch
Passed by 2/3

All those attending are now members (see beginning for a list of attendees).

4) Annual Reports -  We are missing 2002 annual reports and some 2001 reports.  IDNR submitted a report for 2001 and 2002 at this meeting.

Data Management Committee- Aaron Addison
Four requests for data.
Ginny Adams
Mike Venarsky
Aaron Addison for KCI- Pautler Cave and Dane's Cave

5) Addison moves: The ISS approves the data request by KCI for Pautler and Dane's Caves maps.  The data request committee will draft a confidentiality agreement and will include one more person appointed by the Board to help draft suitable language.
Taylor seconds.

In favor: rest
Opposed: none
Abstain: Addison

Don Coons (possibly on behalf of KCI) requests all cave entrance locations in Illinois.
6) Taylor moves: request denied
Addison seconds.
In favor: unanimous
Note: At the November 8, 2003 ISS meeting a statement was added: 'The Board feels that it is an unfortunate misrepresentation, but feels it is an accurate account of what happened at the meeting.'

7) Taylor moves: Diane Tecic is made a co-Data Custodian.
Resch seconds.
In favor: unanimous

8) ESRI Grant - Aaron Addison: ESRI wants $900+ for software maintenance contract.  Aaron is negotiating an extension of our grant to cover the maintenance.  Aaron still has all three copies of ArcGIS and ArcPad.

9) Taylor moves: One ArcView license is issued to the Shawnee Forest project and one to Diane Tecic.
Wood seconded.
In favor: unanimous

New Business

10) Nominations for Director:
Tony Schmitt
Gary Resch
Dan Lamping
Kevin Berdak
Steve Taylor
Jack Wood
Rick Haley
Philip Moss
Nominations were closed.

Elected were:
Tony Schmitt
Gary Resch
Steve Taylor
Jack Wood
Rick Haley
Philip Moss

11) Nominations for President:
Philip Moss
Aaron Addison
Nominations were closed.

Philip Moss is elected for two years.

12) Kevin Berdak appointed by acclamation to fill the Director vacancy created by electing Philip Moss President.

13) Nominations for Vice-President.
Jack Wood
Dan Lamping

Nominations closed.
Jack Wood is elected Vice-President for one year.

14) Nominations for Data Request Committee
Val Schmidt
Aaron Addison
Steve Taylor
Tony Schmitt
Philip Moss

Nominations closed.
The Committee is (one-year terms):
Aaron Addison
Steve Taylor
Tony Schmitt

15) Haley moves: the next meeting will be held on November 8, 2003.
Taylor seconded.
Passed unanimously.

16) Moss moves to adjourn.
Passed without objection.
Meeting adjourned at 16:55.

Tony Schmitt turned in two maps drafted by Joe Sikorski maps; Death Rock Well and Barbed Wire Pit
Philip Moss turned in a map of Two-Row Cave.  All located in Monroe County.
Jim Sherrell turned in maps of Sparrow Spring and Haydite Cave, both in St. Clair County.

Submitted by Philip Moss, Recording Secretary

ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 19 August 2003, last modified 24 November 2003