Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Agenda - May 4, 2003

Illinois Speleological Survey Agenda  

***scroll down to see minutes of non-meeting, below this agenda****

May 4, 2003, 1:00 pm

Murphysboro Ranger Station

Call to Order

Introduction of Directors and Officers

President             Diane Tecic
Vice-President    Aaron Addison

Treasurer            none

Recording Secy  TBA

Data Management Committee

Aaron Addison, chair

Don Coons

Steve Taylor

Mona Colburn, data custodian

        Old Business

1) Shawnee Forest
          -Shawnee Project discussion
                     status of MOU - Steve Widowski, JackWood, and others

2) Report from Organizational structure committee (Philip Moss and Jack Wood)
         -motion to adopt new structure

3) Annual Reports - discuss content and submit Annual Reports for 2001 and 2002

4) Report from Data Management Committee (Aaron)

5.) Database status - (Diane and Mona)

6) status of non -sensitive data CD with (maps, aerial photos) - Aaron or Philip

7) ESRI grant for GIS software - motion on how to distribute software.
         -what is expected of ISS by receiving grant.

             New Business

8.) Tax status - 501c3 - update from D. Tecic

10) Grotto updates

12.) elections for president, vice pres, and data management committee

13) Open discussion on topics of interest to ISS - Suspend agenda for 20 minutes.

14) Determine next meeting time, date, and place


*******minutes of non-meeting below*******
****from 26 May 2003 email from Diane Tecic*****

ISS meeting 5/3/03



Stygian Grotto - Kevin Berdak   present

Karst Conservancy of Illinois (vice president) - Aaron Addison  present

Little Egypt Grotto - Gary Resch    absent

Near Normal Grotto - John Schirle      absent

Meramec Valley Grotto - Rick Haley absent, Tony Schmitt proxy

Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Steve Taylor absent - Diane Tecic
(president) proxy

Windy City Grotto- Jack Wood present


Steve Hupe - US Forest Service

Philip Moss

Annette Cymes

Richard Raber

Val Schmidt

We did not have a quorum for this meeting, so we couldn't conduct any
official business, but we did discuss several agenda items and other topics.

We did not discuss setting another meeting date, but we need to.

Directors:  Please let me know which of the following would be a good date
that doesn't conflict with any big caving event for the next meeting:

June 21 or 22

June 28 or 29

July 12 or 13

July 19 or 20

July 26 or 27

 Here are the unofficial minutes:

Discussion of lack of quorum.  Near Normal was not present for two meetings,
so we will contact to make sure they still want to participate.

Steve Hupe of the Forest Service, Jack Wood, and Diane Tecic gave an update
of the developing Shawnee Forest Project and Memorandum of Understanding.
Jack and Diane met with Steve Widowski on 5/2/03 to discuss details of the
MOU.  Steve Widowski said that the MOU has to be approved by the management
team, so we will probably be able to get it signed by late June at the
earliest.   Steve W. also discussed need for Forest Service not to hold
data, especially for caves not designated as significant because of
potential Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.  Also discussed the
possibility of applying for a volunteer challenge grant to get equipment
such as GPS units, digital camera, lap top computer for field project.

Philip Moss and Jack Wood discussed the development of the potential changes
to the ISS constitution and by-laws to change the organizational structure
of the ISS.  In order to make this change, member organizations must ratify
the changes.  This can  be done if directors are given approval  by their
respective organizations.

If we change to member based  organization, the membership list will be
maintained by the vice president, and we may mail out ballots.  Discussion
on requirements for membership section.  Possibility of different levels of
membership to facilitate data requests and distribution.  Also discussed
feasibility of having a small membership fee, especially if  ballots will be
mailed out.  Grottos that were present  said that there was limited interest
in the ISS within their organizations, but that at least a few  people are
active in Illinois caving and interested in  continued participation, so a
member-based structure may be  more representative.  This structure will
also better represent many independent cavers who are doing projects in

We need feedback from all ISS cooperators, and especially directors, on this
structure and the changes to the constitution and bylaws.  Please review and
discuss with your grotto/organization and let us know.  We would like to
address any problems and concerns and make necessary changes before the next
meeting.  Please post your comments to ISSXCHNG to facilitate a good

Aaron Addison discussed the ESRI grant for GIS software.  There are 3 copies
of ArcView 8.   One copy is on Aaron's computer.  Has a copy as a rep for
the KCI and Data mgmt committee - will be willing to assist cavers in the
St. Louis area to input data for mapping and submission.  Board will
ultimately decide who will get the copies so next meeting we should develop
a motion on how to distribute software. One copy should be designated for
Shawnee Forest Project. Next meeting we need to discuss what is expected of
ISS by receiving this grant.

Next meeting we will need to hold elections for president, vice pres, and
data management committee.  For now all current officers will be retained.
If we pass a motion at the next meeting to accept the changes to the
structure of ISS, then we could begin member elections right away.

ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 3 March 2003, last modified 19 August 2003