Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - March 2, 2003

Meeting Minutes not yet available.  Agenda information below:


From: "Diane Tecic" 
Subject: location confirmation
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 21:45:07 -0600

We have confirmed the location for the  ISS meeting on  March 2.  It will be
at the Murphysboro Ranger Station in Murphysboro, IL.  The address is 2221
Walnut Street.  The meeting room is in the basement.  The meeting will start
at about 1:00 pm, and the basement outer door should be open by 12:15
pm-12:30 pm.

Steve Widowski , representing the Shawnee Forest Planning Team, will be
discussing their standards and guidelines for cave use and management, and
the potential opportunities for a joint project.


We are due for elections for President, Vice president, and data management
committee in April, 2003.  I would prefer not to have elections at the
meeting in March, but would rather schedule another meeting in April or May,
especially if we are planning to get a project going with the Shawnee.
However, we probably should discuss nominations for these position at the
meeting next weekend, so this will be added to the agenda.



Here is the tentative meeting agenda for the upcoming ISS meeting on March
2.  We have been trying to secure a location for the meeting, but it is
still not definite.  It will most likely be at the Murphysboro Ranger
station, starting at 12:00 noon, but I need to confirm that.  We hope to
have staff from the Forest service there to discuss their cave management
and the prospects of a project with them.

Directors: will you please let me know if you are planning to attend or are
sending a proxy?

Also, for all those planning to attend,  we have a few choices for
activities on Saturday, March 1.  If weather is decent we could do some
vertical practice at Giant City.  Otherwise, we could do a cave trip and/or
clean-up at Equality or Ava.  Can you please respond, and let us know if and
what you would be interested in doing?



Illinois Speleological Survey Agenda

March 2, 2003, 12:00 pm

Murphysboro Ranger Station

Call to Order

Old Business

1) Shawnee Forest - report from subcommittee (Diane)

                        Shawnee Project discussion - Jack Wood, and others

2) ESRI grant for GIS software - report from Aaron

3) Annual Reports - discuss content and submit Annual Reports for 2001 and

4) Report from Data Management Committee (Aaron)

5.) Database status - (Diane and Mona)

6) status of non -sensitive data CD with (maps, aerial photos) - Aaron or

             New Business

            7.) Tax status - 501c3

            8.) Direction of ISS

                        Are we effective?

                        What do we want to be doing?

                        How should we proceed?

            -Motion to create a subcommittee to develop ideas for ISS
structure and function.

            9) Grotto updates

            10) Ideas to better support cavers, grottos, and other members

            12) Open discussion on topics of interest to ISS - Suspend
agenda for 20 minutes.

13) Other matters

14) Determine next meeting time, date, and place


ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 27 February 2003, last modified 3 March 2003