ISS Meeting Minutes - April 13, 2002
Illinois Speleological Survey Minutes April 13, 2002, 11:00 am Illinois State Museum Collections Center Call to Order Member Organizations and Directors: Stygian Grotto - Kevin Berdak (proxy - Philip Newell) present Mid-Mississippi Valley Grotto - Darrol Gasawski Karst Conservancy of Illinois - Aaron Addison Little Egypt Grotto - Gary Resch Mark Twain Grotto - David Mahon Near Normal Grotto - John Shirle (proxy - Don Coons) present Meramec Valley Grotto - Tony Schmitt present Illinois Department of Natural Resources - Steve Taylor (proxy - Mona Colburn) present Windy City Grotto- Jack Wood present Introduction of Directors and Officers Officers: President Diane Tecic Vice-President Aaron Addison Treasurer none Recording Secy Lea Claycomb Data Management Committee Philip Moss, chair Don Coons Steve Taylor Meeting called to order 11:23 12 attendees Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting - approved Old Business 1) Shawnee Forest Diane received a packet of information, a notice of intent that the forest service is changing the forest plan. They seem to want some input from groups like us. A sub committee was set up last meeting (Jack, Aaron, John and Diane). Aaron made the point that the management plans are skewed towards biological sciences. Gary Resch tried to stop by and offer help, but was not taken up on it. The feeling seems to be that this is a formality and most of the caves will be administratively closed if not actually gated. It is still felt that we can offer some suggestions and maybe even better some volunteers to the forest service. Jack Wood volunteered to help out with this committee and has had some contact with the forest service. In terms of how many caves Shawnee has control over it may be a dozen that they know about, but may be many others are not yet known. Could cavers (LEG?) offer a survey so the forest service knows what caves they are managing. This has been done in Indiana with Hoosier Nat'l Forest, which has more people. Gary Resch seems to think that there are people and interest in LEG to do this, but leadership is needed. The committee will hash out all these details. A report should be added to the agenda from this committee at the next ISS meeting. 2) ESRI grant for GIS software Aaron has had contact and written an application, but it has not been submitted yet.. Progress has not been further as Aaron has been in transit and ESRI has come out with a new version of the software. Aaron has been evaluating the new software to see if we should get that instead. Philip Newell said ESRI will be open to this request for the software. It is thought, however, that maybe we need a project to show them that we need the software for (Shawnee). The point was brought up: do we really need this or is the software becoming common. Only two grottos reported having access to GIS Arcview. It would also be nice to have a piece of software licensed to the ISS if we are to be receiving data in GIS format. 3 copies seem to be the number to ask for, but it is felt that each grotto should have access to a copy of the software, which would make it 10 copies. Aaron has a concern that 10 copies would be a bit much to ask from ESRI. Would grottos be willing to contribute a 'nominal fee' ($100) to show their interest? Don brought up the point that ArcView requires training to use and that is not cheap (unless Aaron always helps us for free). There was some free training to 'ecosystem partnership' members that people may be able to access, but this may not happen again any time soon. Tony brought up the good point that what happens once the software goes to the grottos (who has it? who's computer is on it). It is felt that this proposal should be sent out to the grottos and see what they think, if they want it. There are legal concerns about licensure (will grottos make illegal copies?). It is felt that MMG & Windy City & won't foot the $100, Stygian, MMV, Near Normal may be interested. 6 copies may be a better estimate and we will wait for final word from MVG (via e-mail) so Aaron can get rolling on this. 3) 2000 Annual Reports/attendance/update member list Diane reported: contacted Darrol with MMV they are here, but are not interested in rejoining yet. Contacted Mark Twain Grotto, but Dave Mahon wasn't caving and MTG 'isn't doing much' right now. Sounds like MTG is temporarily defunct, but Diane will try and contact them again. Philip Newell moves to remove MTG. Motion seconded. Approved. MTG is now out (they can be voted back in at any time). Did we get annual reports for everyone that is in and have they been distributed? They were due this meeting last year. Sinkhole Plain Ecosystem Partnership was offered membership, but they did not seem interested in joining. It is felt that we 'need' them and this is a failing of the ISS in not having them We should send a rep. We should give them a reason why they should be a member. Aaron said he will volunteer to approach them. Diane has a folder of 2000 reports. There is no template for grottos, but they should just report things they have been doing in the Ill as stated in the bylaws, which are on the web. Grotto reports from 2001 are due TODAY, please get those in to and post them to ISS exchange. It would be nice if future opportunities are included in the report to facilitate networking. If you have upcoming events please let us know! (ISS exchange seems to be the place to do). Do we need to come up with a report form for grottos? Motion made for report form, seconded. approved. Diane will make up an annual grotto report form. 4) status of database funding sources/grants for database development Report: Diane was trying to get a grant rechannelled (through DNR), but the $ could not be just moved. Diane tried to apply for another grant that ran into a SNAFU. Diane has a new list of funding sources to tap. Diane passed out a DRAFT proposal for review by members. There is no 'index' for the non-existent database so to speak. Don Coons feels we need one and we should set up someone to do it. Don Coons made a motion to put together an index in Excell/Access of the the ISS holdings and that it be distributed to the Data Management Committee. Seconded. Discussion: Clarification of the role of the data (request) management: committee is to approve to disapprove data request, it is the role of (Mona) database custodian. It is felt that the custodian 'managing' the data is an unfair burden upon that position holder. There is a hole and a need for someone to know what we have and where. There is an index already for all paper maps. There is also an index/spreadsheet that Steve Taylor submitted and there is a body of info that Philip submitted. . Motion passed. -Break- 5) status of non -sensitive data CD with (maps, aerial photos) - Report: The data is almost done. Aaron reprojected some data from Philip. It is getting there and there may be some examples in the ArcView class tomorrow. Arial photos, topo maps, some of the recharge areas, injection points, geology (is available, but may not be useable for us) can/will be included. Discussion: CDs will be made available and access does not have to go through the data management committee. For access it is felt that some money should change hands (maybe $10 a CD). Is there a problem with the ISS distributing information that was aquired from the government? Philip presented two CDs one the DOQs and Topo maps with a seamless mosaic. Also submitted is files on Pautler/Annbrier work. All submissions were given to Mona and are not sensitive data, if Aaron needs it for the CD. 6) Need more data See above. We also need to organize the data we have. Tony submitted Larry Cohen's box of data. Jack White submitted files L-Z is planning to submit it as soon as we have something to do with it. Pat Kambesis has a project going on, Don volunteered to ask her to submit her latest data. New Business 7.) Direction of ISS - Skippedl Are we effective? What do we want to be doing? How should we proceed? 8) Elections (Vice President, treasurer, data management committee) VP Nominations - Steve Taylor, Aaron Addison, Jack White (declined) Voting. New VP - Aaron Addison Congrats. Treasurer Nominations - Tony Schmit (declined)We are not for profit, but we are NOT tax exempt. Motion for Diane to seek a treasurer, seconded, passed. Data management Committee Nominations (voted by plurality) : Don Coons, Philip Moss, Steve Taylor, Aaron Addison, Mona Colburn, Philip Newell. Voting. Don Coons, Steve Taylor, Aaron Addison Congrats! 9) Grotto updates (new feature) MVG - This is Tony Schmitt's last meeting as MGV rep. Rick Haley will be new MVG rep. Stygian - Clean up in Ava cave is going to be repeated. some people are on the verge of reporting some caves in the more N. area of the state. MMV - MMVs activity in Ill has been conservation training via taking groups to Ill Caverns. There is a dig going on. Near Normal - Most Ill caving is sport caving. There is restoration going on in other states so if we have any clean-up here in Ill, tap them as a resource. Windy City - Not doing much in Ill that they are talking about, more work is going on LEG - Jeff Schropp has some monitors set up in Ava and Equality cave measuring a variety of factors. Cave clean up next Sat at Equality 4/20/02, please come if you are interested. DNR - No report. St. Joseph Valley Grotto - Trip to Ill Caverns and Equality and published a report in their speleo-journal. They may be good to contact (they are a project oriented grotto). Just for future reference please announce cave clean-ups a month in advance on ISS exchange. Don't forget a contact person and roughly where the clean-up will be (like what part of the state, not ness cave location.) 10) Ideas to better support cavers, grottos, and other members ArcView training that Aaron is offering is a great idea and opportunity for member grottos. Thanks! Philip Newell said that he has had people asking him what the ISS needs (what needs to be mapped? GPS coordinates needed for certain caves?). This does require a lot of time for someone to identify issues/tasks. It is felt that we may not have the manpower or purpose to do this right now, but should be addressed in the future. Aaron Addison brought up project caving as an option to encourage grotto participation. It is felt that this would work in Ill if the right person put in place. Don said he would like to do a good, quality map of Kruger Dry Run. More activities assoc. with meetings - Sink-hole clean-ups, ArcView training etc. 11) Data requests 5 data requests since last meeting. There is some concern about how long requests are taking. Jerry Lewis -withdrawn. Jim Sherrill - List of names in caves in St. Clair Co so he can tell us what he has and we don't and we granted it. No data received by ISS yet. Jim Kennedy asked for a map of toothless cave. 1955 map given to him. Map wasn't useful and there is talk about resurvey when the bats aren't there. We can expect a new map. David Culver - out of DC, asked for 56 cave entrance location for biodiversity study. Request approved. Joe Walsh - requested a map of Fogelepole, data committee asked for further explanation and has not heard back. New Data requests: Don coons will request any data on Kruger Dry Run in ISS holdings. Keith W heelin - Request via Jack Wood for us to fill out a cave database survey. Don offered his information from HSS if we want. Diane wants to give this survey to the data management committee to deal with and interrogate for ideas for our database. Due date April 30th. -Gary asked: What to do about landowners do about "I have a cave on my property, has it been mapped?", direct to database caretaker. Get things like name, names cave may have gone by, GPS coordinates (if possible), submit it and we'll get back to you. 12) Open discussion on topics of interest to ISS - Suspend agenda for 20 minutes. Discussion about the effectiveness of the organization ensued. Darrol Gasawski discussed the reluctance of MMG to participate with ISS because of the perception that ISS only wants to gather data and is not willing to release it to cavers. There was some agreement on that point although it may be a misperception. The ISS is willing to provide data if it will support the goals of the organization (To protect, conserve, locate, record, explore, and study the caves and karst resources in Illinois). Even though ISS has provided some data, it is thought that there may be a double standard regarding who gets data. Some think that "official" researchers can get data more easily than "regular cavers." Although there may be misunderstandings about ISS, people's perceptions and past experiences with ISS are important to consider and may affect our effectiveness as an organization. We need to address perception problems when possible and make sure people understand the purpose and goals of the ISS. 13) Other matters 14) Determine next meeting time, date, and place - 10am Nov. 2nd 2002. DAY OF THE DEAD. Tenitively at Ill State Museum. 15) ArcView class Aaron is willing to give the class to an organization. He has had interest from other states in providing this class and they would pay a fee for it. If KCI passes on this opportunity ISS is next in line to take this class and potentially make money from it. Diane brought up a resource online "" that helps non-profits Adjourn 3:25pm |
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