Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2000

Minutes of the meeting (submitted by Jerry Jeremiah):

Illinois Speleological Survey

5 November 2000

Springfield, IL

ISS Meeting - 11-05-2000
Participants: Mary Banta, Brett Bennett, Kevin Berdak,
   Barb Capocy, Don Coons, Annette Crymes, Jerry Halb,
   Jerry Jeremiah, Annie Kamp, David Mahon, Gary Resch,
   Tony Schmitt, Steve Taylor, Diane Tecic, Rick Toomey
Call to Order: Rick Toomey called the meeting to order at 11:14 am.
Introduction of Officers:
   President: Rick Toomey
   Vice President: Tony Schmitt
   Treasurer: none
   Recording Secretary: Jerry Jeremiah
Introduction of Member Organizations and Directors:
   Illinois Natural History Survey: Dr. Steve Taylor
   Illinois State Museum: Blaine Schubert (absent, no proxy)
   Little Egypt Grotto: Gary Resch
   Mark Twain Grotto: David Mahon
   Meramec Valley Grotto: Tony Schmitt
   Middle Mississippi Valley Grotto: Darrol Gasawski (absent, no proxy)
   Near Normal Grotto: Dr. John Marquart (absent, proxy: Brett Bennett)
   Stygian Grotto: Kevin Berdak
   Windy City Grotto: Jack Wood (absent, no proxy)
Minutes: Steve Taylor moved and Tony Schmitt seconded the motion
   to accept the minutes as printed.  Motion carried.
Data Management: Committee consists of Cindy Lee, Phil Moss, Rick Toomey
1. Pat Kambesis requested information on caves in Illinois north
   of Peoria and in return will provide any new information to the ISS.
2. Adam Ringia requested cave locations for his project on cave
   salamanders and in return will provide GPS locations to the ISS.
Old Business:
1. NSS Affiliation: Rick Toomey sent an email to Al Romero at the
   NSS Science Committee with regard to getting the ISS a NSS Project
   status, but has not received a reply.
2. ISS Web Site: Steve Taylor has created an online cave data
   submission form.  ISS directors are encouraged to review the
   web site and make comments.
3. Arcview Application: The ISS is applying for 11 non-profit
   copies of Arcview, Arcview Spatial Analyst, and Arcview 3D
   Analyst.  Each member organization will have to provide system
   requirements so that the correct products may be acquired.
4. Data Submissions: Larry Cohen submitted a file of cave
   data to the ISS.
New Business:
1. Cave Data: Steve Taylor moved and Brett Bennett seconded the motion
   that the ISS appoint someone to organize the Larry Cohen cave data
   submission.  Motion carried.  Rick Toomey appointed Tony Schmitt
   to organize the Larry Cohen cave data submission.
2. Absent Organizations: Tony Schmitt noted that MMV and Windy City
   have not attended several meetings this year.  Rick Toomey offered
   to contact their Directors in order to determine the next course
   of action.
3. Midwest Cave Ecology Workshop: Diane Tecic has been approached
   by Bill Elliot to host the next Midwest Cave Ecology Workshop.
   She is asking the ISS to help sponsor the workshop.  After some
   discussion, it was suggested that the workshop could be held in
   February at Cahokia Mounds.  Someone mentioned that originally
   the intention was to have the workshop biannually.  Diane Tecic
   offered to contact Bill Elliot to reaffirm that he wanted to have
   the workshop this year.
4. Annual Reports: Steve Taylor reminded the ISS directors that
   the annual reports are due April 7, 2001 (a week before the
   next meeting).
5. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held in conjunction with
   a Stemlar cleanup trip.  The Stemlar cleanup trip will start
   10:00 am, April 13, 2001.  The next ISS meeting will start
   10:00 am, April 14, 2001.
Adjourn: Steve Taylor moved and David Mahon seconded the motion
   to adjourn.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned.

ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 2 November 2000, last modified 3 January 2002