ISS Meeting Agenda - April 22, 2001
ISS Minutes April 22, 2001 Cahokia Mounds, IL Call to order: 10:26 Intoductions of Directors and Officers Reading of minutes from previous minutes No minutes to read P. Newell moves: postpone reading of the minutes until next meeting & post to ISS Exchnage. Liebhaber secnds. passed Unan. Reports 1) Letter to Shawnee National Forest. New Pres. 2) Esri grants: No actin Taylor moves: delgate to Addison Newell seconds Passed Unan. 3) Annual reports from 2000. Taylor moves: President shall determine whehter all annual reports were recieved for 2000 Liebhaber seconded. PASSED UNAN. TAYLOR Moves: all attendees will be recorded. Shirle seconds. Coons, Jeremiah, Tecic 4) IDNR single representation: Taylor moves: IDNR will be represented by a single director Liebhaber seconds For: Liebhaber, Shirle, Newell, Halb Abstained: Taylor, Colburn New Business: Taylor moves: The President shall write a letter to MKRPC & MMV notifying them that the lack of annaul reports and lack of attendnce will result in expulsion from the ISS. Liebhaber seconds passed unan Liebhaber moves: Mona Colburn is named database custodian. 217/524-7908, Newell seconded. passes unan Nominations for President Taylor Addison Tecic Taylor withdraws Tecic is elected Vice-President Addison Taylor Addison is elected Vice-President. Taylor Coons Moss Newell Addison Taylor, Moss, Coons are elected to the Data Management Committee Newell moves: The DMC shall inventory the ISS archives. No second. Taylor moves: The DMC shall inventory the ISS archives inllcuing an updatable electronic record and remove ISS files from the ISM subject to restrictions on that data or restrictions placed by the DMC. Liebhaber seconds. for: rest opposed: Newell Abstain: Colburn Schmitt moves: the agenda is suspended for 20 minutes for discussion of topics of general interest. Liebhaber seconds 12:15 Passed unan. Discussion of potential development at Illinois Caverns. Liebhaber moves: The next meeting will be at 10:00 AM on October 28, 2001 at Cahokia Mounds preceded by a sinkhole cleanup. Taylor secods. passed unan. Shirle moves to adjourn Liebhaber seconds. Passed.
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