Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - April 25, 1999

Illinois Speleological Survey Agenda
25 April 1999
Illinois Natural History Survey Facilities
Champaign, Illinois

Call to Order
Introduction of Directors and Officers
President: Philip Moss
Vice-President: Rick Toomey
Treasurer: none
Recording Secretary: Lara Storm

Member Organizations and Directors:
Illinois Natural History Survey - Dr. Steve Taylor 
Illinois State Museum - Dr. Rickard Toomey
Little Egypt Grotto - Cindy Lee
Mark Twain Grotto - Julie Angel proxy for David Mahon
Meramec Valley Grotto - Rick Haley proxy for Tony Schmitt
Middle Mississippi Valley Grotto - Darrol Gasawski -- Absent
Mississippi Karst Resource Planning Committee - Diane Tecic 
proxy for Joan Bade
Near-Normal Grotto - Dr. John Marquart
Stygian Grotto - Kevin Berdak
Windy City Grotto -- Absent

(April 25, 1999 -- meeting is called to order at 10:09 am) 

Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting. 
Steve Taylor moves to accept minutes from the March meeting without seeing them.

Data Management Committee
Steve talks about this -- volunteers to type data 

Old Business
1) NSS affiliation
Steve Taylor moves for project status.
Rick Toomey seconds the motion.

2) Research community awareness - John Marquart 
Steve Taylor moves to send John Marquart's paper out as an attachment to the 
Cindy Lee seconds the motion.
Rick Toomey suggests an amendment to the previous motion; Marquart's paper 
should be
the official brochure for the ISS.
The vote to accept the amended motion is unanimous 

3) ISS Web Page - Jerry Jeremiah and Rick Toomey 
Steve Taylor suggests to discuss modifications via email since Jerry Jeremiah is 

4) Discussion of the absence of the MMVG and WCG directors of the ISS 
There is no motion to act on the absence of these directors. 

New Business
1) Submission of annual reports for 1998 
The directors share what their organizations have been involved in regarding Illinois
speleology for the year of 1998.

2) Election of President.
Diane Tecic nominates Rick Toomey.
A motion to close the ballot for the ISS presidency is made by John Marquart and is
seconded by Julie Angel. Rick Toomey is opposed. The new president is Rick 
Toomey. The vote is unanimous except for Rick Toomey who abstains.

3) Election of Vice-President.
Rick Toomey nominates Diane Tecic.
A motion to close the ballot for the ISS Vice-presidency is made by Julie Angel and 
seconded by Cindy Lee. Steve abstains.
The new Vice-President is Diane Tecic. The vote is unanimous. 

4) Election of the Data Management Committee. 
Cindy Lee nominates Rick Toomey.
Steve Taylor nominates John Marquart.
(Rick Toomey nominates Dave Mahon.) -- nomination withdrawn 
since Mahon had not been consulted ahead of time to see if he was willing
Julie Angel nominates Diane Tecic.
Diane Tecic nominates Philip Moss.
Steve Taylor moves to close the nominations for the Data Management Committee.
Diane Tecic seconds. The ballot is closed unanimously. Determined by secret 
ballot, the new members of the Data Management Committee are:
Rick Toomey, Diane Tecic, and John Marquart. 

5) Philip Moss moves: The agenda is suspended for 20 minutes for open discussion 
on topics of general interest to the ISS and its cooperators and to include the 
Rick Toomey seconds Philip Moss's motion to suspend the agenda for 20 minutes.
Steve Taylor proposes an amendment to suspend agenda until all desired discussion
is complete.
The vote on the amended motion is unanimous. . . . Discussion . . .
Steve Taylor moves to end the discussion. John Marquart seconds the motion.

6) Karst Conservancy discussion
Rick Toomey moves for the ISS to invite the Karst Conservancy to join it in 
at the next meeting. Steve Taylor seconds the motion. The vote is unanimous.

Select next meeting time and date.
Steve Taylor moves that Carbondale be selected as the next meeting place. Diane 
seconds the motion.
The vote is unanimous.
Steve Taylor moves that Cindy Lee be empowered to pick the next meeting time and 
(excluding certain dates such as Halloween and Thanksgiving) such that Stan 
Harris might
be able to attend and give a talk preceding the meeting. Cindy Lee seconds the 
The vote to accept the motion is unanimous. 

Steve Taylor moves to adjourn the meeting. Cindy Lee seconds the motion.
The meeting is called to an end at 12:58 

ISS main page

Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 11 April 2000, last modified 3 January 2002