Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Meeting Minutes - November 8, 1998

Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 07:34:50 -0500
From: "Rickard S. Toomey, III" 
Subject: Minutes of ISS Nov. 8, 1998 "meeting"


As Philip Moss alluded to in an earlier message, we were not actually able to hold 
the ISS meeting scheduled for Nov. 8, 1998. The reason for this was a lack of 
attendance. Only three directors were present: Cindy Lee (LEG), John Marquart 
(Near Normal), and Rick Toomey (ISM). One non-director was also present: 
Jerry Halb. One director had notified the group that he was not coming: Steve 
Taylor (INHS). No other directors notified 
me (or Philip) and none sent proxies. Philip Moss was also absent from the 
meeting; however, he had notified all of us (and his absent was not particularly 
relevant, because he does not count toward a quorum). The lack of a quorum 
meant that we could not hold an official meeting.

Anyway, since the four of us were there, we decided to discuss the issues on the 
agenda anyway and report on them with unofficial "minutes." I am submitting 
this note to the issxchng as a report of the "meeting."


Reading minutes from previous meeting.
We dispensed with this as we could not official approve the minutes. 

Old Business
NSS affiliation
We did not discuss this, because the appropriate people were not present.

Research Community Awareness and ISS Webpage 
John Marquart expressed concern about the low profile of the ISS among the 
research community. He submitted a revised version of the handout he had 
previously brought before the ISS directors. We discussed it and suggested that 
the revised version be distributed to all directors for comment/approval. 

John also asked about the status of the ISS webpage. Rick reported that it had 
been successfully transferred to the Illinois State Museum
server and can be accessed at the following address:

John noted that we should be more active in making sure that we establish 
reciprocal links with other groups fo our pages. He also suggested getting 
registered with search engines and other sites.

Report of the Data Management Committee
We discussed the Data Management Committee report submitted 
by Steve Taylor at some length.

Most of the report caused little comment. However, there was some important 
discussion of one item -- a request for the Fogelpole Map. There was concern that 
the request might be honored simply because the person who requested the map 
had participated on some survey and thus was "owed" a map. Cindy Lee 
expressed concern that this was the role of the cartographer, not the ISS and 
might set a bad precedent. I agreed, but noted that the Fogelpole request is unique 
in a number of ways, and should not be viewed as setting a precedent.

ISS Correspondence
We could not discuss this because of a lack of appropriate people. 

Submission of 1997 annual reports
Philip indicated in the preliminary agenda that all 1997 reports are in and
have been distributed..

New Business
Sinkhole Cleanup Report
We were unable to get this, since nobody at the meeting was also at 
the cleanup.

Illinois Cave Amphipod Recovery Team Position 
We discussed Gerry Bade's request for nominations for a cave community 
representative to the Illinois Cave Amphipod Recovery Team and reminded 
everyone that nomination were due by Nov. 20. 

New Caretaker at Illinois Caverns
Rick Toomey announced that IDNR hired a new interpreter to manage the 
operation at Illinois Caverns. The new person is Chris Hespin. 

NCRC Training at Illinois Caverns.
Rick Toomey noted that there is a NCRC Basic Orientation to Cave Rescue 
scheduled for Illinois Caverns March 27-28, 1999. More information is available 
at the new NCRC Central Region website at 

Select next meeting date
We obviously could not "officially" select a date. But we would like to suggest 
Sunday April 25, 1999 at 10:00 am. In addition, we decided that a new venue 
would be good, so we are asking Steve Taylor to consider hosting the meeting in 
Champaign. If Steve is unable to do so, Rick Toomey notes that the ISM 
Collection Center in Springfield is available.

In the preliminary agenda, Philip Moss noted that annual reports are due at the 
Spring meeting. He also noted that all offices are up for election and that he 
(Philip) will not be standing for re-election as President. Everybody think about 
possible candidates for the various offices. 

12:00 noon

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Page created 11 April 2000, last modified 3 January 2002