Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.

The Illinois Speleological Survey (ISS) is not about sport caving or providing information to support caving for purely recreational purposes. However, because the ISS reecognizes that there is a direct lineage between recreational caving pursuits that leads to some individuals into cave cartography, and speleology the following links are provided in an effort to help. Some of these have many more interesting caving links:

Illinois cave protection law

Regional caving clubs (grottos) with websites:

Little Egypt Grotto
Near Normal Grotto
Windy City Grotto
Sub-Urban Chicago Grotto
Rock River Grotto
Meramec Valley Grotto

Other nearby regional organizations:

Karst Conservancy of Illinois
Western Kentucky Speleological Survey
Indiana Karst Conservancy
The other ISS: The Indiana Speleological Survey
The Indiana Cave Survey, Inc.
Missouri Speleological Survey
SEMO Grotto (or on Facebook) - ( NEW!!! Oct 2014)
Mississippi Valley Ozark Region (MVOR) of the NSS

National Organizations:

National Speleological Society (NSS)
Cave Research Foundation
American Cave Conservation Association
Subterranean Ecology Institute, Inc.

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Please email the webmaster with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 6 November 2000, last modified 29 Oct 2014