Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
ISS Data Request

ISS Data Request


Information needed - Please list cave name, county, type of data needed (e.g. map, location, biology, etc).

Date requested
Date needed

Please describe how and for what the data will be used.

Any additional information or explanation (attach additional sheet if necessary).

Will a product (report, etc.) be produced using this information? (Yes or No) ___     	

When can the ISS expect a report of findings associated with this information?

Are you willing to sign a confidentiality agreement associated with the use of this data? (Yes or No) ____

(Standard Confidentiality Agreement attached)

ISS Data Submission Page

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Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 15 January 2002, last modified 2 November 2005