Illinois Speleological Survey, Inc.
Confidentiality Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement

Confidentiality Agreement between the Illinois 
Speleological Survey, Inc. and 

______________________________ (requestor). 

	The Illinois Speleological Survey (ISS) serves to 
protect, conserve, locate, record, explore, and study 
the caves and karst resources in the State of Illinois 
by providing a permanent, non-profit, non-sectarian, 
cooperative organization for the pursuit of speleology. 
It further seeks to establish and nurture a professional 
atmosphere among Illinois' speleologists and cooperate 
with all individuals and organizations consistent with 
the foregoing purposes. 	Through unanimous decision of 
the ISS Data Management Committee, acting on behalf of 
the ISS, and, when deemed necessary, through the 
approval of the entire board of directors of the ISS, 
permission is granted for

 ______________________________ (requestor) 

to have access to the ISS data indicated 
below, under the following conditions: 

* These data may not be used for recreational caving 
or commercially led trips. 

* All data ownership rights will be retained by 
the ISS, the data do not belong to the requestor. 

* These data may not be disseminated without written 
permission of the ISS Data Management Committee. 

* A report of findings must be submitted to the ISS in a 
timely manner. 

* All data must be turned in when issued an updated 
dataset for the same area. 

* The cooperation of the ISS shall be acknowledged 
in any reports, presentations, or publications that 
result, at least in part, from use of ISS data. 

Further conditions include:

* The ISS shall receive, in a timely manner, copies of 
all reports, including quarterly reports, etc., sent to 
the granting agency. 

* The ISS shall receive copies of any scientific publications
resulting from this study. 

ISS data for which access is granted:


	Access to these data do not constitute permission 
to visit sites. Site visits should be arranged with 
current owners as appropriate. This agreement does not 
imply that the ISS believes that the requestor is 
qualified to safely visit caves or other sites included 
in these data. 

	I have read the above document and agree to abide 
by all conditions. 

__________________________________ __________ 
(requestor)			   (date)

__________________________________ __________ 
(President of ISS)		   (date)

__________________________________ __________ 
(Data Request Committee of ISS)    (date) 

__________________________________ __________ 
(Data Request Committee of ISS)    (date) 

__________________________________ __________ 
(Data Request Committee of ISS)    (date)

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Please email with web page comments and corrections. All other correspondence should be addressed to the ISS via the president.
Page created 15 January 2002, last modified 2 November 2005