Meeting Minutes August 29, 2012

Meeting Called to order at 8:10pm by Andrew Rowell

Meeting Minutes taken by Ginny Cunningham

15 people in Attendance


Treasurers Report:

Grotto owes WV Caver $31.00 for Volumes 2 and 3

Current account: $748.89


Vertical Practice:

Our first Vertical practice was on Monday August 27 at the WVU rec center. We had 10 people show up and everyone was able to get on rope and ascend.


Our next practice will be on Monday 9/10. There is NO practice on 9/3 for Labor Day.

-Please wear tennis shoes or hiking boots, comfortable clothes and any caving gear you would like to bring of your own.


Old Business:

Membership dues: $15

-Will give you access to trips and use of grotto gear and grotto library

-Subscription to WV Caver

Give money to treasurer, Brady Weekly


Grotto t-shirts for sale for $10. Please buy so we can get new ones.


New Business:

Beginners weekend 9/8 and 9/9

-Will be staying at Stuart Recreation Area, located outside of Elkins

-Leaving Friday night, Returning Sunday

-Cost: $20, $15 of that goes towards membership dues 

A campsite at Stuart Rec. Area was reserved for the weekend by Andrew Rowell.



Adam Byrd gave his presentation of about the caving trip he made to Wyoming/Montana to Bighorn Cave. We saw some great photos, and would like to thank Adam for making the presentation this week.


We also took some time to look at some pictures of some West Virginia Caves and some TAG photos from previous Grotto Trips.


Trip Reports:


Trip report was given by Mary Ignatiadis. Mary, Ginny, Brady, David, Cullen, and Andrew all went into Beaverhole on Sunday August 26. We went into the cave a little afternoon and were out by 2pm. Afterword’s we went up to the Overlook at Cooper’s Rock and hiked around rock city for a little while before heading back to Morgantown.


Meeting Adjourned at 8:45pm