Meeting Minutes 4/4/2012


9 people in attendance

Meeting started by Chairman Jeremy Browning at 8:01pm


Treasurers Report:

- We have $763.94 in the bank

 - Have not heard anything about the check card


Vertical Practice:

- There was no vertical practice this week

- John Harman thinks we should go to Coopers Rock one Wednesday for Vertical Practice.


Old Business:

- Grant was passed

- Have not heard anything about the updated logo

- Newsletter is not yet finalized

- Jeremy created a slide for the info boards that are scattered throughout WVU and everyone agreed that we should use it.

- Jeremy may try to submit more than one slide for the info boards. If anyone has pictures for slides please send them his way.

- The student reception at the NSS convention is on schedule for Tuesday at 8:00.

- The grotto is thinking about doing a scholarship for WVUSG members who are still in college. The grotto will match any donation to the dollar and place it in the scholarship fund.

- There were no updates on club sports.

- Dave Riggs will give his Bat presentation during the next meeting.


New Business:

- The DA contacted Jeremy bringing up the idea to post an ad in the paper about upcoming grotto events. The price per ad is $9/column inch. The grotto agreed to do this for Dave Riggs presentation.

- Jeremy will talk to Garth to discuss when we can come down to Fairmont.

- If anyone is interested in digging in Germany Valley this weekend (April 13th-15th) please contact Jeremy Browning for further details.

- Doug Moore brought up some good ideas for fund raising. He thinks that we could set up some recycling bins at OTR. Others think we may be able to do it at the NSS convention as well. If anyone knows where we can get recycling bins for cheap, please let us know!

- Doug also brought up lifetime membership as a possible way to raise money however, it was agreed that this would not be a fund raiser if we gave out free West Virginia Caver or Terra Incognito. However, it was agreed that this would simply help the grotto build more members.


Trip Reports:

- Jeremy, Andrew, and Nichole went down to TAG. They showed numerous pictures from the trip. They visited South Pittsburg Pit, Cagles Chasm, Moses Tomb, Jeepside, Cemetery Pit, etc. Jeremy claimed it was a “Kick ass” trip!


Important Dates:

- April 11th: Presentation on bats by Dave Riggs

- April 20-22: Randolph County trip

- April 27-29: Spring VAR

- June 25-29: NSS convention

- June 26: Student Reception

- August 30 – September 1: OTR


Meeting adjourned to Black Bear by Chairman Jeremy Browning at 9:04pm