Meeting Minutes 24 August 2011
Meeting called to order by Chairman Allen Dove at 8:01 pm
Introduction of officers and attendees: 24 people including 12 new potential members in attendance.
Treasurer's Report:
- John Tudek needs the checkbook. We have $1,073.22 but after all debts are paid the grotto will have $873.22.
Vertical Practice:
- Practice will be held on Wednesdays from 5:30pm-7:30pm at the rec, but some practices will be held at Mont Chateau while the weathers nice. Cancellations will be posted on the list serv.
Old Business:
- 3 or 4 lights are missing or in disrepair. They need to be replaced or fixed.
New Business:
- Recruitment- Allen Dove, John Tudek, Jeremy Browning and Andrew Rowell were at the stand in the Mountainlair from 10-2 on August 24, 2011. Kyle McMillan, Jeremy Browning, Allen Dove and Andrew Rowell were at the stand in Student Rec Center and ran vertical practice for those interested from 4-6 on August 24, 2011. Flyers will be dropped off at Pathfinders and placed around campus.
- Beginners Weekend- The Grotto will camp around Elkins and cave within an hour of campsite. Caves to be determined…
- Fundraising- There is Organization that will give large grants for trips and equipment to sport groups. Budget must be submitted by September 8, 2011. Jeremy Browning is researching the organization and John Tudek is working on a budget.
- John Harmon presented a slideshow of past trips and events in which the grotto has participated and a promotional video for the new and returning members. Some highlights were TAG trips and GVKS Trips.
Notable Dates:
- Weekday trip on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 to Beaver Hole or Barton's.
- September 17-19, 2011 is potential beginners weekend.