From: "Rachel" Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2010 20:47:21 -0000 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes for 1/20 Meeting Minutes for 20 January 2010 Meeting called to order by Chairperson Gayle Suppa at 8:03pm Old Business Financial Report - No change Gear - Please get all gear turned in as soon as possible - Gayle Suppa, John Harman, and Kyle McMillan will be inventorying the gear on Wednesday, 27 January at 6:00pm Terra Incognito - A few trip reports have been received and will be edited shortly. Thank you Krista, Gayle, and Jeremy for sending in your trip reports. - Trip Reports are still needed from: Ben Mirable for Simmons-Mingo Tom Lilly for Scott Hollow The Mexico Trip Presentation by John Harman and Dave Riggs will be next Wednesday, 27 January. It will be about 20 minutes long after a short meeting. Library - We are still waiting on getting the library - A checkout system will be implemented - Several suggestions were made for new additions to the library including the 2000 Guide Book, 95 Guide Book, Caves of Randolph Co., and Pendleton Co. The costs of these will be added to the grant. New Business - Officer update forms were completed - Kyle McMillan needs to update the a member list and will need the NSS# for the president and vice president Trips - Tucker Co., Saturday John Harman will be going to Tucker Co. to complete a survey. The cave is a good horizontal, beginner level cave and anyone interested in getting some survey and map experience is welcome to go. They will be meeting at a restaurant near the Sheets in Parsons, WV for breakfast and heading out to the cave about 10am Saturday, 23 January Dave Riggs, Brian Masney, and Gayle Suppa will also be doing some ridge-walking in Tucker Co. as well - Snake Hill/ Cheat View Rappel, Sunday, 24 January Kyle McMillan would like to go rappel Snake Hill/ Cheat View this Sunday at about 2pm depending on the weather. Please watch the listserv for more information - Beaver Hole Upper, 6 February Dave Riggs will be going to Beaver Hole Upper to celebrate the anniversary of his first cave if anyone would like to join - Flower Pot, 21 February The Grotto will be going down to Flower Pot near Seneca Rocks. This is a vertical cave trip being led by John Harman - Short Cave It was suggested that a Grotto trip to Short Cave could happen in the near future. Allen Dove will be asking permission from the owner and getting back to us - Rancho Relaxo Gayle suggested another trip to Rancho Relaxo to possibly help install his hot tub at some point as well as do some caving in Monroe/Mercer Co. She will be researching possible caves YTR - It was suggested that the Young Timers Reunion be planned again to bring surrounding university grottos together. Kyle McMillan has volunteered to coordinate, and anyone with suggestions, especially locations and dates, are asked to please send them to him. Grant - The grant will be discussed next week. Please read it and come to the meeting ready to make suggestions and discuss it. Trip Reports -Short Cave John Harman, Brian Masney, Gayle Suppa, and Allen Dove made a trip down to Short Cave in Pendleton Co. The surveying done by Allen has shown that cave is a lot larger than expected with a lot of maze, many beautiful formations, and a 40ft tall canyon. A signature in script and the date 1862 was found on one of the walls and may be an artifact from when caves were being searched for saltpeter. -Haynes Cave Dave Riggs, Abby Hohn, Ben Mirable, and six other cavers went down to Haynes Cave. It has about 1000ft of big, dry walking passage and was mined for saltpeter in the Civil War. There are many artifacts left over from this time period. This cave is also where the state fossil, Megalonyx jeffersonii, a giant ground sloth, was found. Meeting adjourned at 9:06pm