From: "Taylor" Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 03:38:15 -0000 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes October 7, 2009 Meeting called to order at 8:04 by Chairperson Abby Hohn FINANCIAL REPORT: $639.80 WV CAVER: -Has been payed FUNDRAISING: -We had 7 people in attendance and they had a fun time. - We earned about $420 GROTTO WEB PAGE - David Riggs will Add a Blog for people to enter trip reports VERTICAL PRACTICE -Next practice (Next Wednesday 14th) Kyle will be giving a crash course in how to belay. This will be free and teach you enough so you can take the test and get belay certified. TRIPS - (CHANGE OF DATE) Weekend of October 10th Mystic (Saturday) and Via Ferrata (Sunday)(Days may get switched) Abby will check on info for the weekend If you have vertical gear bring it, closed to shoes, sun screen, cool weather gear (check the weather) -Mystic may be closed due to WNS so here are some possible alternatives: Fieldhouse, Kee Cave, Stillhouse and Sinks of Gandy, Kenny Simmons, Knut Cave - We will be meeting at the Coliseum next to the Arboretum, same as beginners weekend. Friday, 5:00pm GRANT - What does the grotto want to spend it on? Potential ideas: Tent poles (supporting structure)- Gayle will check on pricing (16x20) Abby will check on books Grotto T-shirts are on sale Tudek will contact individual holding the Grotto Library If you would like to check out a book drop by and see John Tudek in Brook Hall G27 Jay will update the DA add for the Grotto John Tudek created a Facebook for the Grotto West Virginia University Student Grotto (Caving Club) -it is now linked to the WVUSG web site (thanks to Dave). Memorial Day Cave presentation (No cave for old men), was great. TRIP REPORT -Allen found a new cave, now called hell of a High Cave Due to the distance, he had to climb to get to it. -Kyle went to Fall MAR (and did no caving). -A group went to White Sides Mountain to practice rappeling for Bridge Day. Meeting was adjourned after the movie ended at about 9:15 Jatáya Taylor mudrunnerx13@