From: "ashohn" Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 18:32:34 -0000 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes for Feb 18, 2009: Meeting was called to order at 8:02 Old Business - Financial report: There was no update, but John Harman needs to be payed for the survey instruments. The treasurer will write him a check. Terra Incognito - Tom Lilly, Gayle Suppa, and Dan Brooks have all turned in trip reports. The editor is still expecting a trip report from Kyle Mcmillan. The next deadline is the first meeting on March 4. Planed trips: - The Grotto will be going to Bowden on Saturday Feb 28. - A trip to Greenbrier County has been proposed for the weekend of March 7th. New Business - Tucker Co Survey is happening this Saturday. At least 4 people from the Grotto are going down. We'll meet at the only restaurant in Parsons at 9:00 AM. Nick Z. will be giving a presentation Feb 25 at next weeks meeting. A trip to Oil Drum Falls, in Pocahontas Co has been proposed for the weekend of Mar 28-29. There are a lot of nice caves in the area (Simmons Mingo, Roadside Pit, Carpenter-Swego) The amount of water in the area will limit what caves we can go to, so we'll decide then what we'll be doing. John Harman requested that the Grotto make a donation to the GVKS rope fund, because many Grotto members have been involved in Germany Valley. The motion passed, so the treasurer will write a check of $25. Personal donations are also accepted. A possible Grotto trip to Shovel Eater Cave has been suggested. John Harman offered to lead it as long as he got to check out the vertical skills of anyone planning to go. Gayle Suppa recieved a thank you letter from the West Virginia Cave Conservancy. In the letter, they said they used the Grotto's donation to help pay back the loans used to purchase the entrance of Max Welton Cave. Trip Reports - Nikki Green and Evan Hays went on a sport trip to Shovel Eater this weekend. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44.