From: "ashohn" Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2008 16:47:20 -0000 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes Hey all, Sorry it took me so long to get the minutes out. I got swept up with Thanksgiving break. I hope you all had a great holiday. Minutes: The Grotto recieved a check for working the Syracuse game. This Wed instead of having the usual meeting, we're going to go out to eat as a sort of Christmas party. We're meeting at Hibachi in Suncrest at 7:00. Trip reports - Shovel Eater Cave: Nikki and a few people from GVKS went down to the very bottom of Shovel Eater and worked on a dig for about 5 hours. Mystic - Tom L led a crew made up of people from the Nittany Grotto on a 3.5-4 hours long trip. They hit the upstream and downstream of Mystic. Fieldhouse - There were two trips to this cave. John H, Gayle S, Dan B, and Tom L went in to find some pits. They found one and bounced it. Kyle went in with some Nittany folk. Harper's - Kyle also led a trip in Harper's Cave. Gayle S and John Harman also spent some time above ground running geophysical surveys around a huge sinkhole on the Harmans' property.