From: "ashohn" Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 15:19:31 -0000 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes Financial Status: Currently the Grotto has about $600. WV Caver: We're still behind on payments. Kyle M. is trying to communicate with them and straighten that out. Fundraisers: Football fundraisers - We're signed up for 6 spots for the Marshall Syracuse games. Student Grant - The student grant is for $500. Kyle M. intends to go before BOG again this year. Beginners' Weekend: Dates: Sept. 5-7 Location: Stewart Rec Area (near Elkins) Caves: -Sinks of Gandy -Bowden -My Cave/Sharps Dinner: Burgers and hotdogs will be provided on Saturday Cost: - $20 for the weekend and membership fee - $10 for just the weekend Gear: Borrow Mon Grotto gear? Recruiting and Retention efforts: J. Taylor completed a new flier. Some members are meeting next Wed. in front of the Mountainlair at 4 to hand out fliers. Whoever can make it is encouraged to come especially if they wear muddy cave gear. Grotto Gear: Is currently stored in Kyle M.'s garage. The Grotto is in possession of: - 4 sets of new helmets and headlamps - 3 sets of old helmets and headlamps - 6 new helmets - 6 old helmets Since we are short of headlamps, the Grotto would like to buy 10 new headlamps and get rid of the 3 old ones. One possibility for headlamps is the Princeton Tec EOS. Waivers and Emergency Contact Info: Waivers and emergancy contact forms will be kept with the Grotto gear. Whoever signs out the gear will also take the forms, so that they're always together. The DA: The ad hasn't been updated. Abby H. will contact the DA to change the meeting time and contact info listed in the ad. Proposed trips: -Barton's (by Oct. 1) -Windy Slopes (either on a Wed. or the weekend) Vertical Practice: Will resume once Kyle M. has talked to the people at the climbing wall.