To: From: "John Tudek" Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 20:20:07 -0400 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes 3-12-08 WVUSG Meeting Minutes 3-12-08 Old Business - Financial Report - no change. - Student Grant - No news back from SGA (KRM) - YTR update - Date Change - moved back a week. - Dave Riggs volunteers to make a website in 4 minutes or less about the event. - Remaining Contacts - Brian contacted VPI - Garth contacted FSU - Jessica contacted JMU Kyle needs to contact Nittany and AB. - Campground Pictures - Other various responsibilities - Vertical Rodeo - no change - Gear Locker - no change New Business - Spring Break - Anyone planning on caving? Nicole and Gayle want to go caving over Spring Break. - MAR - Anyone want to lead a trip(s)? If interested, email John Harman. - VAR / SERA - June 5-8 - John H. planning a 2-3 day TAG trip. Others are interested. - Upcoming Ed Devine HH video. Everyone is excited - BANFF Film Featival - will be coming back to Morgantown in early April. The film portion is April 3, with the local version on the 18th. Upcoming Trips - Maiden Run Survey - March 30. At about noon. Set in stone. Be there. Probably a couple survey teams and a dig team. This will be an excellent first survey trip. - Ski Trip Cancelled in favor of ice skating. - Greenbrier Co. - We have between 7 - 10 people possibly going. Kyle will leave the earliest, around 4pm. We will be staying at the WVACS field station. Directions will be sent out within the next day. john C will be leaving very late, and Thad will be leaving early saturday morning. If you want to come down and don't have a ride, let me (John Tudek) know, asap at - TWTCS (the wonderful Tucker County Survey) will also be this weekend. Dave and Brian will put together a to do list for the county for the spring/summer. - Bowden Cave trip - To the Agony. Will be next Wednesday in lieu of the grotto meeting. We'll be leaving at 5:15 from the parking lot across from Brooks, closest to Life Sciences. Trip Reports: Dave Riggs, John Harman, and Cullen Hencke surveyed 49' of passage in Germany Valley's Shovel Eater Cave, and dropped a virgin 49' pit trying to follow the sound of "The Devil's machinery". On sunday, they bounced three pits in Germany Valley, including one with a skunk at the bottom. Brian Masney was also in Shovel Eater and got to drop his first ever virgin pit... 10' deep! Meeting adjourned to the Brew Pub at 8:15