To: From: "John Harman" Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 15:59:10 -0500 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes WVUSG Meeting Minutes 3-5-08 Meeting called to order at 7:37 by chairperson John Harman. Old Business - Financial Report - no report. - Student Grant - Kyle checked up on the student grant. They've been delayed as the new student government takes office. - YTR Update - John Tudek gave a report on the campsite and everyone chimed in on the grottos/orgs that they were supposed to contact. The people who did not show up to the meeting and were supposed to contact people should get in contact with me (John Tudek) ASAP to let me know their status (Brian, Garth, Jessica). There's a serious talk to change the weekend holding YTR from the second weekend in April to the third weekend in April. See the other email sent out tonight. John Tudek will go out this weekend to take a look at the campground. He'll bring back pictures so we can get a better idea for next week. - Vertical Rodeo - no report. - Gear Locker - Kyle went to the wrong WalMart. Guess what, all WalMarts are not created equal... Needless to say, Kyle will try to get them by next meeting. New Business - Spring Break - theres some thought about it, but nothing specific planned. - MAR - in May, very close. - VAR / SERA - will take place June 5-8. Several people are planning on attenting and there may be a TAG trip associated with it. - Dave Riggs brought in a copy of the new WVACS bulletin (Invertebrate Cave Fauna of WV) to the meeting. No pictures :( - Dave Riggs also suggested we view this Ed Devine video of Hellhole at the first opportunity possible. This is considered a good thing and we approve of it. Dave will look into it. Upcoming Trips - Maiden Run Survey - We will have a BIG survey day at Maiden Run on March 30th! Rain or shine. - Ski Trip - On March 13th. We'll meet in Morgantown at 5pm at the rec center. We're still getting some people from Dad-Stal to help with the gas money. Josh Flaugher will attend this shindig. - WVACS - work weekend this weekend. - Greenbrier Co. - We'll be staying at Bubble Cave. And there'll be a selection of trips there. - TCS - March 15th, coinciding with Greenbrier Co. weekend. We'll be back in Mola Ram cave. Pardon my spelling :P - Bowden - March 19th (skipping the meeting to do the Agony). We'll be meeting at the PARKING LOT ACROSS FROM BROOKS HALL at 5:15.