From: "John Tudek" Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:23:44 -0500 Subject: [wvusg] WVUSG Meeting Minutes for 2-27-08 Meeting called to order at 7:36 by chairperson John Harman. Old Business: YTR - The student grotto has decided to host a YTR-like event for the second weekend in April. WVUSG will provide the campground. We'll charge $5 a head for the weekend. This week we need to contact a bunch of organizations who might be interested. Cullen will put together a short letter to all the organizations. The orgs are: Nittany (KM), VPI (BM), TTC (JH), JMU (JM), ROC (JT), FSU (GD), Akron (JT), MC (CH), MU (JT), AB (KM). The campground is primitive camping (no water / electricity; only one porta-potty). Oh, and BYOB, ASAP. Student Grant - no report. Submitted, Kyle is waiting on a reply. Maiden Run Survey - The first Maiden run survey will be on Thursday March 6th. More info to follow next week. Fund Raising - canceled due to lack of interest. Grotto Gear Lockers - Kyle may have bought some more gear lockers, he'll have to coordinate with Jessica about getting reimburse. GVKS - We'll be sending our donation to the GVKS before the next work weekend. New Business / Upcoming Trips: Nicole is selling raffle tickets to Snowshoe for her occupational therapy org. The Spring MAR will be very near to us (around Bruceton Mills) May 16-18th. Bowden / Agony Trip - Will be on March 19th in lieu of the meeting that night. Greenbrier Caving / Camping Trip - March 15-16th. Further details to follow. TAG trip with the Lifetime Activities thingie over spring break. Ask Nicole for details. And there's skiing on Thursday March 13th (possibly with Dadisman - providing rides in exchange for gas money). Trip Reports: Germany Valley Trip - a whole mess o' people went down to GV to go caving. We visited Harper's, Fieldhouse and Hourglass. We had a great time at the fieldhouse. Meeting Adjourned at 8:23