From: "John Tudek" Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 20:42:20 -0500 Subject: [wvusg] WVUSG Meeting Minutes for 2-13-07 Meeting Started at 7:40 pm by chairperson John Harman despite Kyle's objections. --Old Business-- Financial Report - Kyle purchased a Rubbermaid lockable box (action packer) for about $20- which he needs to be reimbursed for. Gear Locker: We should purchase two more Rubbermaid lockable boxes (one big and one small) and locks for all three. Kyle or John'll look into that. Student Grant: Kyle has yet to turn in the grant. It will get turned in on Friday. After that, a face to face meeting will be set up with the powers that be. YTR: No change in status. But John H and Cullen H met up with the Terrapin Trail Club and invited them to YTR with about 30-40 people. Maiden Run Survey: Everyone is still sick. Next Maiden Run trip is 2-21-08 Germany Valley Trip: Will take place Feb 22-24. We'll be staying in the GVFH. It's a bit rustic, but warm. The cost for the weekend is $5/person/night. John H. suggested that due to GVKS's generosity we will donate $50- to the GVKS. Motion was passed by unanimous acclaim. We will also put together a WVUSG poster to hang on the Field station wall. John H will be in charge of printing the poster. Possible trips include: Harpers Pit, Fieldhouse, Hourglass (if you are small), Kahn Cave, Lee Cave and a Bowden-Agony trip (plus a back-side entrance trip) on Sunday. We're also thinking of cooking a communal dinner on Friday and Saturday night (depending on the number of people showing) Cullen will be our master chef. New Business: WNS: There was a long discussion about the WNS. We decided not to enter a cave higher than a P2 cave in the winter. We will also wash all our gear in soapy-water solution and let it dry completely. For the Pendleton County trip, we will be sending out specific cleanliness guidelines as well as a statement of our position in this ever-changing issue. Caving on Saturday: Kyle is taking some people down to either Beaverhole or Bowden. If interested, let him know. Tucker County Survey: Some surveying, exploring and digging is scheduled for Tucker County - and they are always looking for help. GVKS: Cullen, John, Brian, Jason Thomas did some surveying in GV. Dad-Stal: Anne, Kyle, Tom and Jessica went to Beaverhole with the outdoor club. Meeting adjourned to the Brew Pub at 8:41