From: "John Tudek" Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2007 21:02:26 -0400 Subject: [wvusg] Meeting Minutes for 8-29-07 Meeting was called to order at 8:08 Chairman John Harman welcomed in the new members and explained a little about the grotto and what we do. Old Business: Financial Report - We have $261 dollars in the bank. Fundraising - We can work whichever game we want. Student Grant - Still needs to be written. Flyers - Made and printed and hung up. ADs in the DA - DA ads not running yet, neither are MIX ads. We might be changing the format of the ad. Flyers will be handed out on the 7th at an event similar to the organization fair. It'll be from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Kyle's going to coordinate the event. Future Meetings will be held in Brooks 125 (the room this meeting was held in.) Next week we'll get a presentation on Caving Practices from Kelsea. Kickoff Weekend (Beginner's Weekend): At Stuart Campground, near Elkins WV, on the weekend of September 15th. Most of us will show up on friday night and go caving on Saturday. Cost will be $10- for non-members and $5- for members. Rides will be available, equipment will be provided, tents can be rented at SRC. VAR/MAR: October 12-14th in Daily WV. Plenty of led trips there. Vendors - place to buy cave gear. Barton's Cave Trip on Sept 8th. Trip tentatively leaves at noon from the Rec center. Trip to Barton Cave in southern Pa. Excellent beginner cave. Trip is a nice, easy beginner cave. OCR - Mary explained about the Orientation to Cave Rescue class happening on September 29th - 30th. It's an excellent way to increase safety awareness. We concluded with an excellent slide show by Brian Masney. Meeting was concluded at 9:00 pm. -- "Schist Happens" --ancient geology adage