Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 18:02:13 -0400 From: "David A. Riggs" Subject: 2007-04-18 WVUSG Meeting Minutes Minutes from the 18 April, 2007 meeting of the WVU Student Grotto. 1. This Wednesday, May 25, will be our pizza fundraiser. Meet across from the Mountainlair at 11am. Wear your (clean) helmet, not (dirty) coveralls. Jessica is bringing plates, I'm bringing pizzas, Kyle is bringing soda. We still need a table! 2. This weekend is Tucker County Survey, we're finishing up Bennett Cave. Meet at 9am in Parsons. Contact me if interested. 3. TONIGHT April 20, 7pm, at 123 Pleasant St. is the Morgantown Adventure Film Festival, featuring a caving video by Aaron Bird. Hopefully you already went to Black Bear to vote for Brian's excellent cave photos. 4. Next week will be officer elections. Here's the nominations: Chair: Kyle McMillan John Harman Vice-Chair: Kyle McMillan John Harman John Tudek Tom Lilly Secretary: John Tudek Katherine Gurtler Treasurer: Jessica Morning 5. Trip Reports: John Harman took 11 high-school-aged kids into Bowden Cave, everyone had a great time. John Harman and Josh Flaugher built a "wizard stick" and prodded a few interesting sinkholes in Germany Valley. The meeting was adjourned and much beer was consumed. Sorry for the delay with the minutes... school is getting in the way of my caving! - DR -- David A. Riggs