Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2007 23:05:00 -0500 From: "David A. Riggs" Subject: 2007-03-07 WVUSG Meeting Minutes Minutes from the March 7, 2007 meeting of the WVU Student Grotto. Nine brave souls risked life and limb by trekking out through six feet of snow - uphill both ways - to attend tonight's meeting. Lucky attendees were presented with valuable prizes (crappy old pamphlets about bats) and an exclusive showing of Aaron Bird's video footage of Dave Riggs caving in Druid Cave (which you may also exclusively view online at [1], [2]). [1] [2] Upcoming Events: 1. This Sunday, March 11, we will be hiking back into the Cheat Canyon to pull dye traps (including a short vertical trip into Druid Cave) and investigate some interesting karst features. Given the amount of snow that dropped today, this date will be weather dependant! If interested in helping, please contact Dave Riggs [3]. [3] "Dave Riggs" 2. This Monday, March 12 will be our pizza fundraiser. We will begin selling pizzas at about 11am on the ground floor of the Engineering Sciences Building. PLEASE come help us - wear your (clean) caving gear if you can, we will be passing out info on caving and the grotto as well as selling pizza. Dave Riggs will front money to pay for pizzas from Papa Johns ($6 per 1-topping-pizza) and Jessica Powell will front money to buy some soda from Sams Club - thanks! 3. Next week's meeting is cancelled - we're going caving instead! Meet at 5:15 (we'll leave by 5:30) at the Harley shop on the Pierpont Exit (behind Exxon, across from IHOP/Lowes plaza). We'll be driving down into the Cheat Canyon for a fun trip into Beaverhole Upper Cave. We should be back home around 11pm. This trip is beginner-friendly! 4. John Harman and Josh Flaugher are putting together a trip into Sinnett-Thorn Cave [4] in Pendleton County, on March 26, the first Monday of spring break. This will be your last chance to see this cave before it's locked up for the summer! Because you'll need to sign paperwork to get in, you must contact John [5] ASAP if you'd like to go. They may also go to Sites Cave the next day. [4] [5] "John Harman" Other Stuff: 5. The Banff Mountain Film Festival and the Morgantown Adventure Film/Photo Festival are coming up next month. Submit your best caving photos and videos at Adventures Edge on Pleasant St. before April 1st! More details at their website [6]. Last year, Brian Masney and Rich Finley had caving and rappelling entries, and they were big hits - you could win this year! [6] 6. Thanks very much to grotto librarians Dave Olsen and Cara Doud, Brian and Dave cataloged the contents of the grotto library yesterday. Your slacker Vice Chairman will make the list available Real Soon Now. All grotto members in good standing (read: paid in full) may borrow publications from our library provided they pass the necessary background check by the grotto librarians. 7. Tom Lilly, John Tudek, Kyle McMillan, and Dave Riggs had a productive vertical practice at the Rec Center this afternoon. We all practiced doing changeovers and learned some awesome new dance moves. - DR -- David A. Riggs