Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2006 18:27:14 -0500 From: "David A. Riggs" Subject: 2006-11-15 WVUSG Meeting Minutes Minutes from the Oct 15, 2006 meeting of the WVU Student Grotto. There were about 10 people present. Vice-chairman and all-around great guy Dave Riggs led the meeting in the absence of the chairman. 1. The Nov. 29 meeting (after Thanksgiving break) will feature a presentation on cave surveying and mapping. You will learn the basics of reading a cave map, using survey instruments, recording data, and a brief intro on how a final map is produced. 2. That weekend, Dec. 1, we will put our new surveying skills to use on Rich Finley's new property on Snake Hill by doing some "cave-style" surveying above-ground. Rich lives very close to some good rappelling spots, so we will also be having vertical practice that night or on Saturday near his house or at Cheat View. 3. There will be a grotto caving and camping trip to the Elk River area the weekend of Dec. 15-16th. We will be camping at Oildrum Falls, and will go caving in a few of the many caves in the area (eg. My Cave, Simmons-Mingo, Bradshaw Run). This is the weekend after final exams, come camping and unwind with the grotto! 4. Rich Finley gave trip reports from this past weekend's trips to Sites Cave and Elkhorn Mountain Cave. See photos by Brian Masney [1] and John Harman [2]. Sites, at 186' is the #4 deepest known pit in WV, and Elkhorn Mountain at 149' is #11. 5. We watched an amazing video [3] on extremophile bacteria and their role in creating some of the most amazing caves in the world (eg. Lechuguilla, Carlsbad). We saw unreal gypsum crystal chandeliers and bacteria "snotties" dripping caustic sulphuric acid from the ceiling. [1] [2] [3] - DR -- David A. Riggs