Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 23:36:52 -0500 From: "David A. Riggs" Subject: 2006-11-01 WVUSG Meeting Minutes Minutes from the November 1, 2006 meeting of the WVU Student Grotto. In spite of some nasty weather, there were 13 people present tonight. 1. The Nittany Grotto [1] is leading a trip into Butler Cave in Bath Co. VA this Saturday. There is limited space for WVUSG cavers, contact Kyle McMillan [2] if interested. 2. This Saturday is also the big Halloween party at the Bat Ranch near Blacksburg VA. Lots of VPI and JMU cavers will be there, but nobody at the meeting is able to go. 3. Tuesday Nov. 7 is Election Day, no class for WVU. a. A few people will be rappelling at Cheat View in the afternoon, a beautiful 120' free-hanging cliff off Snake Hill. Contact John Harman [3] if you are interested in going. b. There will be a beginner trip to Beaverhole Upper Cave. We will meet at 5pm at the Triple-S Harley shop parking lot [4] at the Pierpont exit of I-68. From Morgantown, hop on I-68 East and get off at the Pierpont exit (past the Sabreton exit). Take a left and make a left at the traffic light, turning into the small plaza with an Exxon. The Harley shop is the parking lot behind Exxon. I will be going down into the canyon earlier to do some ridge walking, contact me [5] if you are interested. 4. There will be a vertical caving trip Sat. Nov. 11 to Elkhorn Mountain and Sites Caves (140' and 184' respectively) starting at 9am. You must RSVP with Brian Masney [6] if you want to go on this trip. Some people are camping Friday night. *The Mystic Cave trip mentioned last week has been cancelled!* 5. Nov. 18 weekend is the last Gangsta Mappers [7] survey trip into Cassell Cave. There will be all kinds of trips, from the easy horizontal to the vertical to the wet and muddy. You must have surveying experience! Contact Bob Zimmerman [8] for details. 6. John Tudek showed a hilarious video of him dragging Maurice DuBois [9] of NBC's The Today Show into a horrid New Jersey cave to try and cure the hapless news anchor of claustrophobia. When asked if the ordeal was worth it, DuBois instantly replied "Hell no!". The segment aired on The Today Show several years ago. 7. I brought up doing some small tasks for the Tucker County Survey on Election Day, but there was only minimal interest. The Tucker County Survey meets regularly on the third weekend of every month in Parsons WV. The Shavers Mountain Survey meets in Alpena WV on the first weekend of every month. Contact me or Brian if you are interested in surveying. [1] [2] Kyle McMillan [3] John Harman [4] [5] Dave Riggs [6] Brian Masney [7] [8] Bob Zimmerman [9] -- David A. Riggs