Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2006 22:34:06 -0500 From: Brian Masney Subject: What happened at the last meeting We talked about two upcoming trips at tonight's meeting: 1) The weekend of February 4th we are going to Simmons Mingo. (I can already see Tom H. smiling.) We're going to camp at the Oil Drum Falls campground. There should be folks camping on Friday and Saturday night. 2) We are meeting the Nittany Grotto at Seneca Rocks on the weekend of February 18th. Kyle reserved a cabin but he may cancel that reservation if there are not enough people interested. The cabin is $200 a night. If there are not enough people to get a cabin, then we'll either get a bunk house or camp in tents. The weekend of February 18th is the third full weekend of the month. This means it is one of the weekends that Tucker County survey meets. I'll camp with the grotto on Saturday night but I am surveying in Tucker County that day. Everyone is welcome to come out. We also talked about the grotto T-Shirts. It looks like they will cost the grotto about $11 for each one. We'll most likely sell them for about $15 each. Hopefully we'll have them this time next month. Brian