Constitution of the Silver Sage Grotto

Ratified 6 December 2001
  1. The name of this organization shall be the Silver Sage Grotto of The National Speleological Society.
  2. The purpose of this organization shall be the same as those of the National Speleological Society (hereinafter referred to as the NSS) with the additional purpose of organizing and educating persons interested in caves in the South Central Idaho area and its surroundings, regardless of their education or experience, to better promote the objectives of the NSS.
  3. Executive Board
    1. The Silver Sage Grotto shall be governed by an Executive Board made up of the following officers, all NSS members, elected annually by the membership:
      1. Chairman
      2. Vice-Chairman
      3. Secretary
      4. Treasurer
      5. Trip Coordinator
    2. The Executive Board shall have complete power to manage the business, to formulate and enact bylaws, to raise funds in any manner not inconsistent with the policies of the NSS, and to perform all other necessary functions.
    3. Decisions or actions of the Executive Board may be overruled by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership.
  4. Meetings
    1. Executive Board and general meetings shall be held at such times and places as determined by the Executive Board.
    2. A petition signed by two-thirds of the membership shall mandate the Executive Board to call a special meeting for the purpose stated in the petition.
  5. Membership
    1. Full membership in the Silver Sage Grotto is limited to members of the NSS.
    2. Associate members may not hold office within the Silver Sage Grotto but may vote on all issues excluding those affecting the NSS.
  6. The Constitution and Bylaws of the NSS shall be binding on the Silver Sage Grotto. Any action inconsistent therewith shall be null and void.
  7. In the event of dissolution, any property of the Silver Sage Grotto shall revert to the NSS.
  8. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed either by the Executive Board or by a petition of ten percent of the members in good standing. Adoption of the amendment(s) shall require a two-thirds vote of the members voting, either in person or by absentee ballot, provided that notice of the meeting and the content of the amendment(s) shall have been announced to the membership by mail or at a meeting at least thirty days prior to the time at which the vote will be taken.

Bylaws of the Silver Sage Grotto

Ratified 6 December 2001
  1. Membership
    1. Application Process
      1. Prospective members of the Silver Sage Grotto (hereinafter referred to as SSG) shall apply for membership by either 1) submitting an application in writing, comprising a statement signed by the applicant indicating support for the goals of the SSG as well as the goals of the NSS, or 2) being nominated by a member in good standing.
      2. All applications for membership shall be acted on by the Executive Board.
    2. Membership Classifications
      1. Full Member – (F) – Persons who are current members in good standing of the NSS, have all privileges of the SSG, including the right to vote, hold office (on the Executive Board), serve as committee chairmen, receive the SSG newsletter, and have access to grotto records and data.
      2. Full Family Member – (FF) – Persons who are current members in good standing of the NSS, and are members of the immediate family and residing with a Full member of the SSG, have all the rights and privileges of a Full member except that they do not receive the grotto newsletter and other grotto mailings.
      3. Associate Member – (A) – Persons who are not members of the NSS may serve as committee chairmen, receive the grotto newsletter, have access to grotto records and data, and may vote on all issues excluding those affecting the NSS.
      4. Associate Family Member – (AF) – Persons who are not current members of the NSS, and are members of the immediate family, and residing with a Full or Associate member of the SSG, have all the rights and privileges of an Associate member except that they do not receive the grotto newsletter or other grotto mailings.
      5. Student Member – (S) – Persons who are currently enrolled as full-time students in addition to qualifying under another membership category.
      6. Honorary Member – (H) – Persons whose contribution and/or assistance to the SSG which are of a significant nature to benefit the SSG’s purpose in the study, safe exploration, and conservation of caves may be awarded an honorary membership. The award of Honorary membership is given by unanimous agreement of the Executive Board of the SSG, and must be approved by four-fifths of the members present at the Grotto meeting. The individual awarded this Honorary membership shall be given the rights of Associate Membership.  Honorary members who are NSS members in good standing shall be given the rights and privileges of Full Membership upon presentation of their NSS number. It is understood that the Honorary Membership may be terminated if contact cannot be made with the Honorary member.
    3. Membership Responsibilities
      1. Members are expected to observe the practices of cave safety and conservation as set forth in the Constitution of the SSG and the NSS.
      2. Members are expected to respect, care for, and prevent improper disbursement of Grotto equipment and information.
      3. Members are responsible for payment of current dues.
      4. A violation of the above is reason for admonishment, as outlined in Article III.B.
  2. Dues
    1. Dues are payable at the first Grotto meeting of the calendar year. A thirty-day grace period will be allowed beyond the anniversary date for the payment of dues before the membership is terminated.  Members joining mid-year will have their dues prorated accordingly for the year in which they join.
    2. Annual membership dues are determined by the Executive Board.
  3. Termination of Membership
    1. Membership shall be terminated for nonpayment of Grotto dues. A member dropped for nonpayment of dues may be reinstated automatically upon payment of current Grotto dues.
    2. Disciplinary Actions
      1. Members may be admonished, suspended from certain privileges, or expelled from Grotto membership for any of the following reasons:
        1. Willful disregard of the safety of themselves and/or of others while participating in a Grotto activity.
        2. Willful misuse of Grotto property, facilities, records, or data.
        3. Willful destruction or removal of any natural cave structure.
        4. Conduct detrimental to the Grotto and/or the NSS.
      2. Disciplinary action shall be initiated only upon presentation to the Executive Board of a written petition for disciplinary action, submitted by at least two members of the Grotto not in the same household.
      3. Upon receiving such a petition, the Executive Board shall take such actions as are deemed necessary to notify the accused member or members, in writing, of the petition, and of the place, date, and time at which the petition will be considered by the Executive Board. The accused member or members shall have the right to speak on their own behalf.  Such considerations shall take place no sooner than twenty-one days and no later than seventy days after the petition is received by the Executive Board.
      4. Disciplinary action under this provision shall require a four-fifths majority of the vote of the Executive Board by a secret ballot.
  4. Assessments and Gifts
    1. No special assessments may be made against members of the Grotto. Voluntary contributions may be solicited by the Executive Board for specific purposes. A charge may be made for the Grotto’s special publications and extra copies of regular publications, and fees may be collected for use of the Grotto’s property when approved by the Executive Board.
    2. Gifts and bequests may be made to the Grotto in any form or amount and for any use compatible with the purpose of the Grotto.
    3. A charge may be made to non-members for attendance at Grotto-sponsored activities, use of the Grotto’s equipment and library, copies of publications, maps, and other data, and inclusion of non-members on the Grotto’s mailing list.
  5. Executive Board
    1. Elections
      1. Nominations for candidates for the Executive Board may be made by a member from the floor at the October and November Grotto meetings provided that such nominations are seconded and subject to acceptance by the member so nominated.
      2. Ballots shall be distributed to the members at least fourteen days before the December Grotto meeting.
      3. An Election commissioner, appointed by the Executive Board, shall receive absentee ballots no later than the beginning of the December Grotto meeting.  Voting shall take place at the December meeting, with absentee ballots being counted in the presence of the membership.
      4. Those elected to the Executive Board shall take office at the January Grotto meeting.
    2. The Executive Board shall have the power to remove any Executive Board member who, without just cause, fails to attend two regular Executive Board meetings without sending a proxy or who, without cause, attends no Executive Board meetings in person for three consecutive meetings.
    3. Vacancies on the Executive Board shall be filled for the balance of the year by Chairman’s appointment, subject to majority approval of the rest of the Executive Board.
    4. Any member of the Executive Board may appoint a member of the Grotto as a proxy to act for him or her at a meeting of the Executive Board. Proxy may act at one meeting for only one Executive Board member. The presiding officer must be notified of such proxy appointment directly or in writing by the absent Executive Board member before the proxy may be allowed to serve. Authorization should state if discretionary voting powers have been given to the proxy.
    5. Committee chairmen may attend meetings of the Executive Board and have the privilege of speaking on matters relevant to the committee’s function but shall have no power to vote by virtue of their chairmanship. Any other member of the Grotto may attend Executive Board meetings and may be granted the privilege of the floor at the discretion of the presiding officer but shall have no power to vote.
    6. There shall be at least one Executive Board meeting per calendar year. The date, time, and place of these meetings shall be provided to the membership at least thirty days before the date of such meeting. The Executive Board shall determine the date, time, and place for any special meetings. A quorum at an Executive Board meeting will be a majority of the members of the Executive Board.
    7. Robert’s Rules of Order, as revised, shall govern all procedural questions arising at meetings of the Executive Board when they are applicable and when they are not inconsistent with the Grotto’s constitution and bylaws.
    8. The Executive Board shall have the right to appoint the following duties to members of the Grotto, any of which may be removed from their posts by a letter of resignation or by a majority vote of the Executive Board:
      1. Webmaster
      2. Publicity Coordinator
      3. Quartermaster
      4. Program Coordinator
      5. College of Southern Idaho Outdoor Program Liaison
      6. Editor
      7. Librarian
      8. Other duties as deemed necessary
  6. Duties and responsibilities of officers of the Grotto
    1. The Chairman is an ex-officio member of every committee within the SSG including the editorial staff of the Grotto newsletter, and is authorized to conduct business on behalf of the Grotto within the mandates of the Constitution and Bylaws of the SSG.  The duties and responsibilities of the Chairman shall be to
      1. Preside over all Grotto and Executive Board meetings
      2. Appoint committee chairmen within the mandates of Article IX and the Constitution
      3. Call Grotto and Executive Board meetings within the mandates of the Constitution of the SSG
      4. Coordinate all Grotto activities
      5. Represent the SSG within and outside the caving community
    2. The duties and responsibilities of the Vice-Chairman shall be to
      1. Preside over all Grotto and Executive Board meetings in the absence of the Chairman
      2. Act as a Chairman’s representative in the Chairman’s absence or at the Chairman’s mandate
      3. Assist the Chairman in any way the Chairman deems necessary
      4. Assume all duties of the Chairman in the event of the Chairman’s resignation, incapacitation, or expulsion until such times as the Chairman is replaced through the mandate of Article V.C.
    3. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to
      1. Take and report the minutes constituting the record of the proceedings of all Grotto and Executive Board meetings
      2. Handle official Grotto correspondence and to report said correspondence to Grotto and Executive Board meetings
      3. Distribute copies of the Constitution and Bylaws of the SSG and new member information packets
      4. Maintain a record of all official Grotto proceedings such as minutes of Grotto and Executive Board meetings
      5. Maintain Grotto stationery supplies
      6. Serve in the capacity of programs coordinator in the absence of the person appointed to this capacity
    4. The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer shall be to
      1. Receive, hold, and disburse Grotto funds in accordance with the mandates of the Executive Board
      2. Maintain records of Grotto finances and all Grotto properties
      3. Provide a current financial report at Grotto and Executive Board meetings
      4. Maintain a current Grotto membership list, and to deliver same to the Secretary and Editor as needed
    5. The duties and responsibilities of the Trip Coordinator shall be to
      1. Coordinate the visitation to closed, gated, or sensitive caves by grotto members
      2. Disseminate and collect liability contracts for participants on College of Southern Idaho Outdoor Program (hereinafter referred to as CSIOP) trips
    6. Duties and responsibilities of outgoing officers of the Grotto shall be to return to the Grotto board all related materials and monies prior to the next scheduled Grotto meeting
  7. Duties and responsibilities of the appointed posts as described per Article V:H
    1. The duties and responsibilities of the Webmaster shall be to maintain the SSG web pages in a timely fashion
    2. The duties and responsibilities of the Publicity Coordinator shall be to
      1. Submit announcements of upcoming grotto meetings and open trips to local media outlets and the College of Southern Idaho Outdoor Program Office
      2. Maintain a supply of grotto brochures for general distribution
    3. The duties and responsibilities of the Quartermaster shall be to
      1. Keep and maintain Grotto equipment and to make it available to Full and Associate members upon request
      2. Fill other such duties as set forth by the Executive Board
      3. Purchase and maintain such stores and supplies as outlined in Article XII
      4. Make such stores and supplies available to the members of the Grotto for sale
      5. Keep an inventory of all such supplies
      6. Maintain a usage log on grotto equipment subject to safety concerns due to wear
    4. The duties of the Program Coordinator shall be to arrange and/or prepare informative presentations to be presented at Grotto meetings
    5. The duties of the College of Southern Idaho Outdoor Program Liaison shall be to
      1. Coordinate acquisition and return of CSIOP equipment for use by grotto members
      2. Select equipment to be purchased with CSIOP funds for use by the grotto, subject to approval of the Executive Board
      3. Reserve use of CSI facilities for grotto meetings
    6. The duties of Editor shall be to solicit and collect material for the Grotto newsletter and oversee the printing and distribution of same
    7. The duties of Librarian shall be to maintain the SSG collection of printed material, and oversee the loaning of library materials to grotto members
    8. Duties and responsibilities of outgoing appointed positions shall be to return all related materials and monies to the Executive Board prior to the next scheduled Grotto meeting.
  8. General Meetings
    1. There shall be a least one General Meeting of the membership in each quarter of the calendar year. The date, time, and place of these meetings shall be provided to the membership at least thirty days before the date of such meeting. The Executive Board shall determine the date, time, and place for these and any special meetings.
    2. A quorum at a General Meeting shall be five members or ten percent of the total membership, whichever is the smaller number, including at least one Executive Board member.
  9. Committees shall be established by the Executive Board to execute the work of the Grotto. Chairmen of the committees shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Grotto, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Each committee chairman shall select the personnel and promote the activities of his or her committee. All committees will operate under the direction and approval of the Executive Board. All funds collected by the committee shall be returned to the Grotto when the committee is absolved.
  10. The Grotto may acquire real and intangible property, including equipment, literature, and other materials for use by and on behalf of the membership. The fiscal year is the calendar year.
  11. The Grotto will issue and distribute to the members in good standing, other than Family Members, regular issues of the grotto publication, and is empowered to issue and distribute special publications, subject to regulations governing the subject matter, publication dates, sales, and distribution as prescribed by the Executive Board.
  12. The Grotto may maintain a Grotto Store for the convenience of members, friends, and associates, which will be limited to speleologically related goods appropriate to the policies of the Grotto.
  13. In the event of dissolution of the Grotto, all assets remaining after meeting outstanding liabilities shall be assigned to the NSS.  However, if the named recipient is not then in existence or is no longer a qualified distributee, or unwilling or unable to accept the distribution, the assets of this organization shall be distributed to a fund, foundation, or corporation organized and operated exclusively for the purposes specified in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue law).
  14. This Grotto is a nonprofit organization. No part of the net earnings of the Grotto shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the grotto shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distribution in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the constitution of the Grotto. No substantial part of the activities of the Grotto shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the Grotto shall not participate in, intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, the Grotto shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue law).
  15. Amendments
    1. All proposed amendments in these bylaws must be presented to the entire membership and notice given to the members of the place, date, and time of the General Meeting at which the amendment(s) will be considered for adoption, and provisions shall be made for absentee voting. This notice shall be given not less than thirty days prior to the designated meeting.
    2. Adoption of the amendment(s) shall require a two-thirds vote of the members voting, either in person or by absentee ballot, and the total votes cast must constitute at least twenty percent of the membership.
  16. The Constitution and Bylaws of the NSS shall be binding on the Grotto where applicable. Any actions inconsistent therewith shall be null and void.