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January 1997 NearNormal News


November 22, 1996

Called to order at 7:12pm by President John Marquart.

Present: John Marquart, Julie Angel, Brian Braye, Tonja Frazer, D.C. Young, JimJacobs.

OFFICER REPORTS: The minutes of the previous two meetings were approved aspublished in the NEWS. The Treasurer's report was delivered by Julie Angel
and approved. She noted that membership dues for the year are now payable.

OLD BUSINESS: The status of the ISU Outdoor Program is still shaky.

NEW BUSINESS: Jo Shaper of Meramec Valley Grotto is compiling updates for NSSwebsites. Send her our site info. NEWS editors Jim Jacobs and Brian Braye
note that they need help with articles and with reproduction and distributionof the newsletter. Tonja volunteered to help with distribution. The suggestionwas made
that we publish the member's list more often. Call for nominations from the floorfor grotto officers. As there were none, the proposed slate was re-elected
unanimously. Brian Braye showed off the caving LED light that he built.

TRIP REPORTS: Julie Angel went with Dr. Sam Panno to the Waterloo area on awater sample collecting trip. She also met Kris Ehrens, the Karst Educator with
the Health Department.

PLANNED TRIPS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: The spring meeting of the Ill. SpeleologicalSurvey will be March 16 at the Illinois State Museum Research and
Collections Center, Springfield, IL at 10:00am. Officers will be elected atthat meeting. Phil Moss found a fossil ground sloth rib in Fogelpole. Plans arebeing
formulated for a spring Fogelpole cleanup. We have an invitation for a possible"behind the scenes" field trip to Brookfield Zoo by Jim Rowellsometime this spring.
Kevin Rasmus and Tonja did a presentation on caves at the Washington School(Bloomington) on November 19th. John Marquart gave his traveling presentationat
stops in Kentucky and Indiana. The February issue of the NSS NEWS is theconservation issue. John M. will submit the BlackBall Mine story. Norm Rogersshould
submit a story on the NSS field camp at Mammoth. Deadline, December 20.

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