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March 1996 NearNormal News

January 26, 196

Called to order at 7:20pm by president John R. Marquart. Present: Kevin Rasmus,Tim Sickbert, Brian Valentine, Mark Valentine, Julie Angel, Lara Storm, Leonardstorm, Marty Jacobs, Derek Forman, Brian R. Braye, John Marquart, John Walther,Jim Jacobs, Norm Rogers, Loren Fear, Tim Shaffer, Tim Mikesell, D.C. Young.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published in the NEWS.
The treasurer's report was delivered by Julie Angel.
Trip reports were given by Jim Jacobs and Mark Valentine on separate trips toIllinois Caverns.
John Marquart reported on the status of the Blackball Mine project, anddiscussed his paper updating the status of the Indiana Bat. John also filled infor Mark Belding, who was absent, reporting that Mark had finished the caveradio, but it had not yet been tested since the weather had been bad.
Brian Braye said that the patches would run $3-4 each. A consensus of the grouppresent indicated that we would have no trouble selling enough to cover theoriginal cost plus a bit left over for the treasury.
Brian Valentine talked about the World Wide Web page that he has developed forthe grotto. It looks really great! It also has connections to the NSS and BCIweb pages. Jim J. stated that he would compose a summary of the grotto historyand mission for the page. Other possibilities for the page were discussed.
Norm Rogers announced that the Mammoth Cave Field Camp would likely be a weeklater than last year, and that participants would be able to arrive on theweekend leaving time to meet, greet, and get set up.
John Walther noted that I.S.U. has trips going to Wyandotte Cave, IN, thisspring.
Norm R. discussed the Western Kentucky University trips/courses which are givenevery year.
Brian Valentine has a knapsack and caving helmet for sale.
The business meeting was adjourned.
John Marquart gave his presentation, which included slides, and a demonstrationof the chemistry involved in the production and decoration of caves. It wasvery well received.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Jacobs, Secretary

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