1988 NSS Cave Ballad Salon

[Left mouse click to play, right mouse click to download (Mac users--control click to download)]

"To Turn Off the Night" by Dale Pate & Peter Sprouse
First Place, Category O, 1988 -- 2.6 MB

"Another Tight Hole" by Ken Anderson
Second Place, Category O, 1988 -- 2.2 MB

"Cavers' Hymn" by G. Frederick Stork
Conservation Award, Category O, 1988 -- 2.4 MB

"Echos of the Cave" by Pooch Amy
Honorable Mention, Category O, 1988 -- 3.6MB

"Cave Girl" by Pooch Amy
First Place & Performance Award, Category T, 1988 -- 4.3 MB

"Swangin'" by Dawn Marie Burow
Second Place & Performance Award, Category T, 1988 -- 3.1 MB

"Those Were the Days" by Donna Anderson
Hondorable Mention, Category T, 1988 -- 2.6 MB

"Summer Wine" by Donna Anderson
Honerable Mention, Category T, 1988 -- 3.3 MB

"Cavin' In the Guads For Eternity" by Donna Anderson
Honorable Mention, Category T, 1988 -- 3.4 MB

"Where Can I Go" by Doug Bradford
Honerable Mention, Category T, 1988 -- 1.9 MB

"The Rain Falls Cold in Wyoming" by Doug Bradford
Category T, 1988 -- 2.7 MB

"Mama Don't Allow" by Dawn Marie Burow
Category T, 1988 -- 1.3 MB

"Can't Use My Cave" by Dawn Marie Burow
Category T, 1988 -- 1.1 MB

"Why Mommy " by G. Frederick Stork, and vocals by Phoebe Pfaehler
Category O, 1988 -- 3.7 MB